Jacob Dingman
M, #20348, b. 1675, d. 1745
- Father*: Adam Dingman b. 27 Aug 1630, d. 21 Jan 1721
- Mother*: Aetje Jacobsen Gardinier b. 1646, d. b 1721
- Birth*: 1675; Kinderhook, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date c. 1673 per Kathleen Last Web Site. Date Date 1675 Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.1
- Marriage*: 9 October 1698; Kingston, Ulster Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Albert's granddaughter Eva Swartout married Jacob Dingman, son of Adam who arrived in New York in the mid-1600s. ... movd to Albany in 1655." from not of Judy Watten, Nov 28, 1999 - found in Famous Dingmans Book, Ruth & Emerson Smart's Books, Jan 16, 2004.
Date per Kathleen Last's Web Site. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.; Principal=Eva Swartwout2,3 - Death*: 1745; Kinderhook, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A.; Per IGI Record.4
Family: Eva Swartwout b. 1671, d. a 1745
- Adam Dingman+ b. c 1699
- Johannes "John" Dingman+ b. 1703
- Jesje Jesse Eefje Dingman b. 12 Jan 1707
- Gerhard Dingman+ b. 1709, d. 1780
- Andries "Andrew" Dingman+ b. 11 Jan 1711, d. 1796
- Eva Dingman b. c 1712
- Rachel Dingman b. c 1712
- Rudolphus Dingman+ b. 1715
- [S18] Adam Dingman of Kinderhook, online http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/calm/…
- [S18] Adam Dingman of Kinderhook, online http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/calm/…, Kathleen Last.
- [S53] Unknown compiler, RuthEm.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
Eva Swartwout1
F, #20349, b. 1671, d. after 1745
- Father*: Roeloff Swartwout b. 1 Jun 1634, d. 3 Mar 1714
- Mother*: Eva Albertz Bradt b. 9 Jan 1633, d. 1689
- Birth*: 1671; Hurley, Ulster Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date c 1678 per IGI Record. Date 1671 Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.2
- Marriage*: 9 October 1698; Kingston, Ulster Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Albert's granddaughter Eva Swartout married Jacob Dingman, son of Adam who arrived in New York in the mid-1600s. ... movd to Albany in 1655." from not of Judy Watten, Nov 28, 1999 - found in Famous Dingmans Book, Ruth & Emerson Smart's Books, Jan 16, 2004.
Date per Kathleen Last's Web Site. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.; Principal=Jacob Dingman3,4 - Death*: after 1745; New York, U.S.A.; Per IGI Record.2
- Married Name: 9 October 1698; Dingman
Family: Jacob Dingman b. 1675, d. 1745
- Adam Dingman+ b. c 1699
- Johannes "John" Dingman+ b. 1703
- Jesje Jesse Eefje Dingman b. 12 Jan 1707
- Gerhard Dingman+ b. 1709, d. 1780
- Andries "Andrew" Dingman+ b. 11 Jan 1711, d. 1796
- Eva Dingman b. c 1712
- Rachel Dingman b. c 1712
- Rudolphus Dingman+ b. 1715
- Surname spelling Swartwoud per Kathleen Last's Web Site, Jan 14, 2003.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S18] Adam Dingman of Kinderhook, online http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/calm/…, Kathleen Last.
- [S53] Unknown compiler, RuthEm.
Adam Dingman
M, #20350, b. circa 1699
- Father*: Jacob Dingman b. 1675, d. 1745
- Mother*: Eva Swartwout b. 1671, d. a 1745
- Birth*: circa 1699; Kingston, Ulster Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date per Christening would be b. 13 Feb 1701?? Date Nov 2 1701 Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Christening: 7 January 1700; Albany, Albany Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Jan 7 1700 per "Descendants of Adam Dingman by Judy (Rebbeck) Watten, copied at the Marylyn Adams Research Centre, Ameliasburgh, Aug 25, 2003. Per IGI Record. Also shown as Jan 7 1700 in another IGI Record. Another records shows Nov 2 1701 Kingston, Ulster Co.1
- Marriage*: circa 1730; Principal=Anna Eva
- Note*: 1729; Kinderhook, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A.; Adam Dingman is included in a list of contributors to the salary of the Rev. J. Van Driessen, the first pastor. from History of Kinderhook's Adam Dingman Family, Jan 14, 2003.2
Family: Anna Eva b. c 1700
- Johannes Dingman+ b. 1742, d. 1772
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S18] Adam Dingman of Kinderhook, online http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/calm/…
Anna Eva
F, #20351, b. circa 1700
- Birth*: circa 1700; Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Marriage*: circa 1730; Principal=Adam Dingman
- Married Name: circa 1730; Dingman
Family: Adam Dingman b. c 1699
- Johannes Dingman+ b. 1742, d. 1772
Johannes "John" Dingman
M, #20352, b. 1703
- Father*: Jacob Dingman b. 1675, d. 1745
- Mother*: Eva Swartwout b. 1671, d. a 1745
- Birth*: 1703; New York, U.S.A.; Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Christening: 13 February 1704; New York, U.S.A.; per "Descendants of Adam Dingman" by Judy (Rebbeck) Watten, copied at Ameliasburgh, Aug 25, 2003.
- Marriage*: after 1723; Principal=Mareytje Muller
Family: Mareytje Muller b. c 1703
- Geesje Dingman b. 17 Dec 1749
- Peter Dingman+ b. 3 Aug 1755, d. 1826
- Elsje Dingman b. 1757
Mareytje Muller
F, #20353, b. circa 1703
- Birth*: circa 1703; Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Marriage*: after 1723; Principal=Johannes "John" Dingman
- Married Name: after 1723; Dingman
Family: Johannes "John" Dingman b. 1703
- Geesje Dingman b. 17 Dec 1749
- Peter Dingman+ b. 3 Aug 1755, d. 1826
- Elsje Dingman b. 1757
Jesje Jesse Eefje Dingman1
M, #20354, b. 12 January 1707
- Father*: Jacob Dingman b. 1675, d. 1745
- Mother*: Eva Swartwout b. 1671, d. a 1745
- Birth*: 12 January 1707; Albany, Albany Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Jan 12 1707 per "Descendants of Adam Dingman by Judy (Rebbeck) Watten, copied at the Marylyn Adams Research Centre, Ameliasburgh, Aug 25, 2003. Per IGI Record.
Date Sep 7 1706 per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Per "Descendants of Adam Dingman by Judy (Rebbeck) Watten, copied at the Marylyn Adams Research Centre, Ameliasburgh, Aug 25, 2003. Per IGI Record.
Richard Derrick Dingman1,2,3,4
M, #20355, b. 4 November 1736, d. May 1790
- Father*: Gerhard Dingman b. 1709, d. 1780
- Mother*: Saarje Sarah Jansen b. 1712, d. 1782
- Birth*: 4 November 1736; Lunenburgh, Greene Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Nov 4 1736 per "Ian & Beth Robers, Dingman Connection" book of Emerson & Ruth Smart, May 3, 2004. per Christening. per GEDCOM of James Eubanks, Jan 18, 2003. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.2,5
- Christening: 5 November 1736; Zion Lutheran Church, Loonenburgh, Greene Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Dirk, b. 4 Nov., bap. 5 Nov. at Loon. son of Gerardus & Saartje Dingman - Zion Lutheran Church, Loonenburgh, Greene Co., N.Y." per Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug. 3, 2004.
per "Descendants of Adam Dingman" by Judy (Rebbeck) Watten, copied at Ameliasburgh, Aug 25, 2003. per GEDCOM of James Eubanks, Jan 18, 2003.2,3 - Marriage*: before 1773; New York, U.S.A.; Principal=Jane ?
- Death*: May 1790; St. Lawrence River, Williamsburgh Twp., Dundas Co., Ontario; "Richard (Derrick) of Matilda, Soldier, Capt. Angus McDonnell's Company, R. R. NY. He was drowned with wife and one small child in the St. Lawrence River in May 1790, a little above Weager's Mill in Williamsburgh Twp." from UEL Lists, Ontario Registers CD
Drowned on St. Lawrence river. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.4
- Residence*: before 1775; Susquehana, New York, U.S.A.; "In 1775 he lived on the Susquahana." per Loyalist Claims - per Burleigh Papers, Queens's Univeristy Archives, Loc. 2324, Aug 3 2004.3
- Note: 1777; New York, U.S.A.; "Before that time he had seen two years with Capt. Joseph Brant." per The Burleigh Papers, Queens University Archives, Aug. 3, 2004.3
- Note: 1779; New York, U.S.A.; "In 1779 he joined the British." per The Burleigh Papers, Queens University Archives, Aug. 3, 2004.3
- Note: 1783; Mal Bay; "Says that he was employed in the King's Works at Mal Bay in 1783." per The Burleigh Papers, Queens University Archives, Aug. 3, 2004.
Note: There is a Mal Bay at the east end of Qaspe in Quebec. Any others? Where was this??3 - Note: 1783; New York, U.S.A.; "He enlisted in Sir John Johnson's Reg't. when he came in and served until the Peace." per The Burleigh Papers, Queens University Archives, Aug. 3, 2004.3
- Note: 1784; "It would make sense that a Richard Smith, Sr. would have been of the proper age to have served in the Revolutionary War, therefore, making him eligible for land. His son Richard would have had the opportunity for 2 parcels of land, one through his father and the other through his wife whose father, Richard Dingman served in the Royal Regiment of New York." per email from Doug Smith, Feb 20, 2004.6
- Note*: 1786; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Loyalists: Name: Dingman, Richard; Residence: Osnabruck; Descendants: R. R. N. Y. Muster Roll. Has a wife and 5 children. P. L. 2d, 1786 (Ontario Registers CD)4
- Note: 3 March 1788; Montreal, Quebec; "430: Evidence on the Claim of Rich'd Dingman, late of Susquehana, N. York Province. Montreal, 3 March 1788. Claimant Sworn: Says that he was employed in the King's Works at Mal Bay in 1783. He is a native of America. In 1775 he lived in the Susquehana. He joined the British in 1779. Before that time he had seen two years with Capt. Joseph Brant. He enlisted in Sir John Johnson's Reg't. when he came in and served until the Peace. Resides 5th Township N. Johnstown. 100 acres on a lease for ever on the Susquehana. He had cleared 16 acres and had a House and Stable. A cow and 2 Heifers, a Horse and 2 Sheep and 17 Hogs. Furnished and farming utensils. Grain in the ground." from U.E.L. Claims Cont'd - per The Burleigh Papers, Queens University Archives, Aug. 3, 2004.3
- Residence: circa 1789; Matilda Twp., Dundas Co., Ontario; "Dingman, Richard (Derrick) of Matilda, soldier, Capt. Angus McDonell's Company, R.R.N.Y. He was drowned, with his wife and one small child, in the St. Lawrence River, May 1790, a little above Weager's Mill, in Williamsburgh Twp.; Eve, b. 9 Jan 1786, m. Archibald Hill of Montague. OC 31 May 1803; Mary, b. 22 March 1774, m. Roswell Everts of Augusta. OC 15 March 1803; Rachel, b. 30 May 1783, m. David Aldridge of Augusta. OC 15 Mar 1803; Leah, b. 14 March 1778, m. (1) Charles Bursett, (2) Abial Walton; Saraah, b. 9 Apr 1776, m. Richard Smith. OC 5 Jan 1798 (Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists, Ontario Registers CD)4
Family: Jane ? b. c 1736, d. May 1790
- Marriage*: before 1773; New York, U.S.A.; Principal=Jane ?
- Mary Dingman+4 b. 22 Mar 1774, d. 1848
- Sarah Dingman+4 b. 9 Apr 1776
- Leah Dingman4 b. 14 Mar 1778
- Rachel Dingman4 b. 30 May 1783
- Eve Dingman4 b. 9 Jan 1786
- ? Dingman4 b. c 1788, d. May 1790
- Given names Richard Dyrk per GEDCOM of Peggy Doyle. Written as "Dirk" per christening record. Richard (Derrick) Dingman per UE List.
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S55] Unknown compiler, Burleigh Papers.
- [S29] Loyalist Lists.
- [S53] Unknown compiler, RuthEm.
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
Jane ?
F, #20356, b. circa 1736, d. May 1790
- Birth*: circa 1736; Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Marriage*: before 1773; New York, U.S.A.; Principal=Richard Derrick Dingman
- Death*: May 1790; St. Lawrence River, Williamsburgh Twp., Dundas Co., Ontario; "Richard (Derrick) of Matilda, Soldier, Capt. Angus McDonnell's Company, R. R. NY. He was drowned with wife and one small child in the St. Lawrence River in May 1790, a little above Weager's Mill in Williamsburgh Twp." from UEL Lists, Ontario Registers CD
Drowned on St. Lawrence river. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.1
- Married Name: after 1756; Dingman
- Residence*: 25 October 1780; Machiche, Quebec; "Provisions Gratis: 25 Oct to 24 Nov 1780; Mrs. Dingman; 0-1-0-0-0-3; Rl. Yorkers; Machiche" per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.
Note: Dr. Bruleigh added a notation indicating this was the wife of Richard Dingman.
Note: The number 3 may indicate 3 female children; they had three daughters at that time.
2 - Residence: 25 March 1781; Machiche, Quebec; "Provisions Gratis: 25 Mar to 24 Apr 1781; Mrs. Dingman; 0-1-0-0-0-4; Rl. Yorkers; Machiche" per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.
Note: Dr. Bruleigh added a notation indicating this was the wife of Richard Dingman.
Note: The number 4 may indicate 4 female children?; they had three daughters at that time.
2 - Residence: 25 August 1781; Machiche, Quebec; "Provisions Gratis: 25 Aug to 24 Sept 1781; Mrs. Dingman; 0-1-0-0-0-4; Rl. Yorkers; Machiche" per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.
Note: Dr. Bruleigh added a notation indicating this was the wife of Richard Dingman.
Note: The number 4 may indicate 4 female children?; they had three daughters at that time that I have.2 - Residence: 25 December 1781; Machiche, Quebec; "Provisions Gratis: 25 Dec 1781 to 24 Jan 1782; Mrs. Dingman; 0-1-0-0-0-4; Rl. Yorkers; Machiche" per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.
Note: Dr. Bruleigh added a notation indicating this was the wife of Richard Dingman.
Note: The number 4 may indicate 4 female children?; they had three daughters at that time that I have.2 - Residence: 19 November 1783; Sorel, Quebec; "Acknowledge Receipt of Clothing: 19 Nov 1783; Mrs. Dingman; 0-1-2-1; Sorel" per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.
Note: Dr. Bruleigh added a notation indicating this was the wife of Richard Dingman.
Note: The numbers indicate 2 children over 6 and one child under 6, which reflects the ages of the three daughters.2
Family: Richard Derrick Dingman b. 4 Nov 1736, d. May 1790
- Marriage*: before 1773; New York, U.S.A.; Principal=Richard Derrick Dingman
- Mary Dingman+1 b. 22 Mar 1774, d. 1848
- Sarah Dingman+1 b. 9 Apr 1776
- Leah Dingman1 b. 14 Mar 1778
- Rachel Dingman1 b. 30 May 1783
- Eve Dingman1 b. 9 Jan 1786
- ? Dingman1 b. c 1788, d. May 1790
James McNutt
M, #20357, b. 1 January 1739, d. 12 May 1779
- Birth*: 1 January 1739; Hampden, Palmer Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; Date Jan 1 1739 & location Hampden, Palmer Co., Mass. per Family Data Collection - Individual Records, ancestry.ca. Date 1738 per GEDCOM of Kathy Hoeldke and Mary Rindfleisch, Jan 16, 2003. Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.1,2
- Marriage*: after 1765; New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Kathy Hoeldke & Mary Rindfleisch, Aug 15, 2004.; Principal=Sarah "Eva" Dingman1
- Death*: 12 May 1779; Machiche, Province of Quebec; " ... he died in '79, Mashishe ... " per U.E.L. Claim of his wife, Eva (Dingman, McNutt) Pencil - per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004. Date May 12 1779 & location "Machice Refugee Camp, Lower Canada (now Quebec" per family tree of Bonnie Compton on ancestry.ca, Feb 10 2024.
Note: The Province of Quebec encompassed the Canadian colony before 1792 when it was divided into Lower and Upper Canada. (Dan Buchanan, Feb 10 2024)3,4
- Immigration*: 1775; Nova Scotia; Passenger Immigration Lists: Name: James McNutt; Arrival Year: 1775; Arrival Place: Nova Scotia, Canada; Primary Immigrant: McNutt, James; Source: 8750.41; Annotation: Date and port of arrival or date and place of mention in the New World. Place of origin, birth date, occupation, reference to original source, and other genealogical data may also be provided.; Source: SMITH, LEONARD H., JR., AND NORMA H. SMITH. Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, Volume II. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1994. 295p. (US and Canada Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s, ancestry.ca)2
Family: Sarah "Eva" Dingman b. Mar 1745
- Margaret McNutt+1 b. 1768
- William McNutt4 b. 14 Oct 1769
- Gerard McNutt1 b. 1770
- James McNutt+ b. 20 Sep 1771, d. c 1822
- Catherine McNutt+1 b. 20 Sep 1771, d. a 1810
- Sarah McNutt+ b. 20 Nov 1776
John Pencil
M, #20358, b. circa 1745
- Birth*: circa 1745; Per GEDCOM of Nancy Moshier, Aug 1, 2002.
- Marriage*: after 1783; Canada; "Claimant says she is now the wife of John Pencil ..." also regarding first husband " .. he died in '79, Mashishe ... " see Eva Dingman's U.E.L. Claim - per The Burleigh Papers, Queen's University Archives, Kingston, Ontario, Aug 3, 2004.; Principal=Sarah "Eva" Dingman1
Family: Sarah "Eva" Dingman b. Mar 1745
- [S55] Unknown compiler, Burleigh Papers.
James Crowder
M, #20359, b. 11 February 1748, d. 1835
- Father*: William Crowder1
- Mother*: Hannah Rous1 b. c 1710
- Birth*: 11 February 1748; Kinderhook, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Feb 11 1748 per Baptism. Per GEDCOM of James Eubank, Aug 1, 2002. Date Feb 11 1749 per family tree of rac66721 on ancestry.com, Aug 12 2016.1,2
- Marriage*: 3 September 1770; Stone Arabia, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per "Ian & Beth Roberts, Dingman Connection" book of Emerson & Ruth Smart, May 3, 2004.; Principal=Cornelia Dingman1
- Marriage*: circa 1790; Principal=Anna Glassford
- Death*: 1835; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Date 1835 per family tree of rac66721 on ancestry.com, Aug 12 2016. Location Osnabruck per "Ian & Beth Roberts, Dingman Connection" book of Emerson & Ruth Smart, May 3, 2004.1,3
- Residence: 20 May 1801; Conc 7 Lot 21, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Land Registery Records show that James Crowder, Sr., obtained the Patent from the Crown for all 200 acres of Lot 21, Concession 7, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont County (GSU 201774, Index Abstract Book, Ontario Archives)4
- Residence: 20 May 1801; Conc 2 Lot 17, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records show that James Crowder, Sr. obtained the Patent from the Crown for 100 acres in the west half of Lot 17, Conc 2, Osnabruck Twp. (GSU 201774, Index Abstract Book, Ontario Archives)4
- Residence*: 20 May 1801; Conc 6 Lot 3, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Land Registery Records show that James Crowder, Sr., obtained the Patent from the Crown for all 200 acres of Lot 3, Concession 6, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont County (GSU 201774, Index Abstract Book, Ontario Archives)4
- Residence: 10 January 1803; Conc 6 Lot 12, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records show that James Crowder obtained the Patent from the Crown for 50 acres of the Easts 1/4 of Lot 12, Conc 6 (GSU 201774, Index Abstract Book, Ontario Archives)4
- Residence: 18 January 1824; Conc 6 Lot 3, Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (B & S 1325) show that James Crowder sold the west hald of Lot 3, Conc 6 to Sarah Losee (GSU 201774, Index Abstract Book, Ontario Archives)4
Family 1: Cornelia Dingman b. 14 Apr 1748, d. c 1788
- Marriage*: 3 September 1770; Stone Arabia, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per "Ian & Beth Roberts, Dingman Connection" book of Emerson & Ruth Smart, May 3, 2004.; Principal=Cornelia Dingman1
- William Crowder+1 b. c 1771, d. c 1820
- Johanna Crowder+1 b. 1772, d. c 1820
- Cornelia Crowder+1 b. 7 Aug 1781
- Sarah Crowder1 b. c 1786, d. c 1840
Family 2: Anna Glassford b. c 1760
- Marriage*: circa 1790; Principal=Anna Glassford
- Catherine Crowder b. 18 Jan 1791
- James Crowder b. 10 Mar 1794
- Mary "Polly" Crowder b. 1797
- Grace Crowder+ b. 10 Nov 1810, d. 29 Oct 1884
- Paul Crowder b. 1813
- Martha Crowder b. 1816
Peter McFaul1,2,3,4,5
M, #20361, b. 19 April 1791, d. 26 February 1877
- Father*: Robert McFaul b. 6 May 1754, d. 28 May 1797
- Mother*: Gertrude Martin b. 18 Mar 1755
- Birth*: 19 April 1791; Claverack, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1793 per CemSearch. Date 1791 & location NY per 1851 Census. Date 1795 & location New York per marriage reg'n. - Hannah Wessels. Per marriage notice of son Arnold. Date Apr 19 1791 & location Clarverack, Columiba Co., NY per family tree of danielfrayer on ancestry.ca, Sep 20 2019.6,2,3
- Marriage*: before 1815; Upper Canada; per family tree of danielfrayer on ancestry.ca, Sep 20 2019.; Principal=Phoebe Cunningham3
- Marriage*: 10 April 1870; Bloomfield, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Peter McFaul; Age: 75; Res.: Hallowell Twp.; Born: New York; Status: widower; Occ.: Gentleman; Parents: Robert & Martha McFaul; Bride: Hannah Wessels; Age: 36; Res. & Born: Hallowell Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Benjamin & Rebecca Wessels; Wit.: George Clark & W. C. Williams, Bloomfield; Date: Apr 10 1870; Place: Bloomfield; Rel.: Quaker & W. Meth.; Performed by: D. McDonald, Hallowell (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com) Hannah Wessels is shown as a wife of Peter McFaul in Sylvia Davis' GEDCOM, Aug 17, 2002. Peter's wife at 1871 census is Hannah.; Principal=Hananh Wessels6
- Death*: 26 February 1877; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date Feb 26 1877 per CemSearch.2
- Burial*: 28 February 1877; Wellington Cemetery, Hillier Twp., Wellington, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: Peter McFaul; Born: - ; Died: Feb 26 1877; Age: 84; ID: PEHR12HH0332; No other names; Cemetery: Wellington, Conc 1 Lot 4, Hillier Twp., Wellington Village (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pid=PEHR12HH0332%5E0)2
- Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 60 at 1851 Census: McFaul, Peter, 60, NY, Quaker, farmer, married; Phebe, 58, NY, Quaker, married; Hiram, 25, b. UC, Quaker, single; Arnoldi, 19, UC, single7
- Census: April 1871; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 77 at 1871 Census: McFaul, Peter, 77, b. US, Friends, Germ., Gentleman, married; Hannah, 57, b. Ont., WM, married; Christian (f), 2/12, Feb (Conc 2, Lot 8, 3 acres)8
Family 1: Phoebe Cunningham b. 1793, d. 24 Oct 1864
- Marriage*: before 1815; Upper Canada; per family tree of danielfrayer on ancestry.ca, Sep 20 2019.; Principal=Phoebe Cunningham3
- Hannah McFaul+ b. Jul 1816, d. 12 Oct 1901
- Julianne McFaul+ b. 1818
- Daniel McFaul+ b. 1822
- Sarah Lucretia McFaul+ b. 1826
- Hiram McFaul+ b. 11 Sep 1827
- Arnoldi McFaul+ b. 8 Feb 1833, d. 1917
Family 2: Hananh Wessels b. 1834, d. 28 Jul 1877
- Marriage*: 10 April 1870; Bloomfield, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Peter McFaul; Age: 75; Res.: Hallowell Twp.; Born: New York; Status: widower; Occ.: Gentleman; Parents: Robert & Martha McFaul; Bride: Hannah Wessels; Age: 36; Res. & Born: Hallowell Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Benjamin & Rebecca Wessels; Wit.: George Clark & W. C. Williams, Bloomfield; Date: Apr 10 1870; Place: Bloomfield; Rel.: Quaker & W. Meth.; Performed by: D. McDonald, Hallowell (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com) Hannah Wessels is shown as a wife of Peter McFaul in Sylvia Davis' GEDCOM, Aug 17, 2002. Peter's wife at 1871 census is Hannah.; Principal=Hananh Wessels6
- Douglas McFaul+ b. 1873
- Peter McFaul per CemSearch. Peter McFall per family tree of danielfrayer on ancestry.ca, Sep 20 2019. Peter McFaull per 1851 & 1871 Census.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 60.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 77.
John William Colgan1,2
M, #20362, b. 13 August 1905, d. 16 November 1989
- Birth*: 13 August 1905; Preston, England; Per death notice of his wife's step-mother, Flossie May (Town) Dingman. Date Aug 3 1905 & location "Preston, England or Ireland" from family tree of llsmeland on ancestry.ca, JUly 13 2018.2
- Marriage*: October 1949; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Second marriage ..... Date Oct 1949 & location Toronto from family tree of llsmeland on ancestry.ca, JUly 13 2018.; Principal=Lulu Hazel Dingman3
- Death*: 16 November 1989; Trenton Memoral Hospital, Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; from family tree of llsmeland on ancestry.ca, JUly 13 2018.2
Family: Lulu Hazel Dingman b. 21 May 1911, d. 14 Mar 1989
Burton Frederick "Burt" Town1,2,3,4,5,6,7
M, #20363, b. 18 May 1890, d. 31 March 1943

- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 18 May 1890; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1890 per Memorial. Date May 18 1890 & location Ont. per Death Reg'n. Date May 1889 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date May 18 1890 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1890 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1890 & location Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n. - Gladys Mildred Rittwage. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.2,3,5,7,8,9
- Marriage*: 6 December 1916; Brighton Twp., Hilton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016044: Groom: Burton Frederick Town; Age: 27; Res.: Orland; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Herbert H. Town & Clista Dusenbury; Bride: Nora Bookhout; Age: 22; Res.: Orland; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Fred Brookhout & Hattie Delong; Wit.: Mmrs. Roscoe Morrow & Mrs. R. Stocker, Hilton; Date: Dec 6 1916; Place: Hilton; Performed by: Rev. Robert Stocker, Hilton, Meth.; Sworn: Brighton, Dec 2, 1916; Reg'r.: G. A. S. Thorne (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016044-1916, ancestry.com); Principal=Nora Bookhout10
- Marriage*: 4 April 1931; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016229: Groom: Burton Frederick Town; Age: 40; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: Herbert Town & Calista Dusenbury; Bride: Gladys Rittwage; Age: 22; Res.: Brighton; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Occ.: housemaid; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: Frank Rittwage & Adeline Wicks; Intended Place of Marr.: Brighton; Wit.: Keneth Town, Orland & Beatrice Steed, Toronto; Date: Apr 4 1931; Place: Brighton; Performed by: E. C. Smith, Brighton, Bapt., #8560; Sworn: Brighton, Mar 28 1931; Reg'r.: Oscar L. Morrow, Brighton, Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016229-1931, ancestry.ca); Principal=Gladys Mildred Rittwage9
- Death*: 31 March 1943; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#020290: Name: Burton Frederick Town; Date: Mar 31 1943; Age: 52y 10m 13d; Place: Belleville General Hospital, 8d; Res.: Orland; Born: Ont. May 18 1890; Nat.: Irish; Status: married; Spouse: ? Rittwage; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Herbert Town & Calista Dusenbury, both born Ont.; Inf.: Mrs. Nettie Taylor, Brighton, sister; Burial: McPhail's Cemetery, Apr 3 1943; Permit: W.A. Goodfellow, Codrington; Und.: B. Buchanan, Warkworth; Cause: hemiplegia and post operation for colon cancer; Phys.: Geo. M. Stobie, Belleville; Reg'd.: May 6 1943; Reg'r.: J. Wilfred Holmes, Bellevile, Hastings Co. (Ontario Death Registration, #020290-1943, ancestry.ca)
Date 1943 per Memorial. Date Mar 31 1943 per GEDCOM of Isobal Adams Kanellos, Feb 18, 2007.4,7,8 - Burial*: 3 April 1943; McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhbiti) TOWN; Burton Town; 1890 - 1943 (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., image by Dan Buchanan, Aug 6, 2008)
per GEDCOM of Isobal Adams Kanellos, Feb 18, 2007.4,7
- Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1891 Census: see Herbert Town5
- Census*: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1901 Census: see Herbert Town2
- Census: 1911; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 22 at 1911 Census: see Herbert Town3
- Residence*: 6 December 1916; Brighton Twp., Orland, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Orland per marr. reg'n.9
- Residence: 6 May 1921; Brighton Twp., Orland, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of his father-in-law Frederick Brookhout.8
- Note*: circa 1930; Brighton Twp., Orland, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Burt Town appears in The Latimer Photos which were taken by Hugh Latimer during the early 1920s and late 1930s at his father's General Store in Orland. (The Latimer Photos, Codrington Public Library)6
- Residence: 4 April 1931; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n. - Gladys Mildred Rittwage.9
- Residence: 23 March 1943; Belleville General Hospital, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Resident 8 days at death Mar 31 1943 - per Death Reg'n.8
Family 1: Nora Bookhout b. 1894, d. 4 May 1926
- Marriage*: 6 December 1916; Brighton Twp., Hilton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016044: Groom: Burton Frederick Town; Age: 27; Res.: Orland; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Herbert H. Town & Clista Dusenbury; Bride: Nora Bookhout; Age: 22; Res.: Orland; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Fred Brookhout & Hattie Delong; Wit.: Mmrs. Roscoe Morrow & Mrs. R. Stocker, Hilton; Date: Dec 6 1916; Place: Hilton; Performed by: Rev. Robert Stocker, Hilton, Meth.; Sworn: Brighton, Dec 2, 1916; Reg'r.: G. A. S. Thorne (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016044-1916, ancestry.com); Principal=Nora Bookhout10
- Ruth Calista Louise Town11 b. 14 Aug 1924, d. 22 Sep 2011
Family 2: Gladys Mildred Rittwage b. 15 Sep 1908, d. 28 Jun 1976
- Marriage*: 4 April 1931; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016229: Groom: Burton Frederick Town; Age: 40; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: Herbert Town & Calista Dusenbury; Bride: Gladys Rittwage; Age: 22; Res.: Brighton; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Occ.: housemaid; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: Frank Rittwage & Adeline Wicks; Intended Place of Marr.: Brighton; Wit.: Keneth Town, Orland & Beatrice Steed, Toronto; Date: Apr 4 1931; Place: Brighton; Performed by: E. C. Smith, Brighton, Bapt., #8560; Sworn: Brighton, Mar 28 1931; Reg'r.: Oscar L. Morrow, Brighton, Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016229-1931, ancestry.ca); Principal=Gladys Mildred Rittwage9
- Burton Town per Memorial. Burton per 1901 & 1911 Census. Berton Frederick per GEDCOM of Isobal Adams Kanellos, Feb 18, 2007. Bert per 1891 Census. Burt Town per The Latimer Photos.
- [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S87] Unknown subject unknown record type; unknown repository.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #016044-1916.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
Georgina Town
F, #20364, b. 1877, d. 1901

- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 1877; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1877 per Memorial. Date 1877 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1877 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.1,2,3
- Death*: 1901; Ontario; Date 1901 per Memorial.3
- Burial*: 1901; Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) TOWN; Lena Laura Town; 1886 - 1978; Georgina Town; 1877 - 1901; Maude Town; 1903 - 1918 (Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Jun 5 2009)3
Alice Gladys Town1,2
F, #20365, b. 1 August 1878, d. 30 March 1956

- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 1 August 1878; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1878 per Memorial. Date 1878 & location Ont. per 1921 Census. Date Aug 1 1878 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1879 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1879 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date Aug 1 1878 per GEDCOM of Isobel Adams Kanellos, Feb 16, 2007. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.2,3,4,5,6,7
- Marriage*: 7 May 1898; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010618: Groom: George Vosbourgh; Age: 29; Res. & Born: Cramahe Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: George Vosbourhg & Margaret Lee; Bride: Alice Towns; Age: 20; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Herbert Towns & Calista Dusenbury; Wit.: Rhoda Wordger & Matilda Bell, Wooler; Date: May 7 1898; Place: Wooler; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: F. Wordger; Reg'd.: Jun 14 1989; Reg'r.: T. R. Garratt (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010618-1898, ancestry.com) Date May 7 1897 per GEDCOM of Isobel Adams Kanellos, Feb 16, 2007.; Principal=George Vosbourgh Jr.2,8
- Death*: 30 March 1956; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1956 per Memorial. Date Mar 30 1956 & location Brighton per GEDCOM of Isobel Adams Kanellos, Feb 16, 2007.2,3
- Burial*: 2 April 1956; McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) VOSNOURGH; George Vosbourgh; 1869 - 1947; Alice Town His Wife; 1878 - 1956; Margaret 1912 - 1916 (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp.)3
- Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 2 at 1881 Census: see Herbert Town5
- Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1891 Census: see Herbert Town6
- Married Name: 7 May 1898; Vosbourgh2
- Census*: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 22 at 1901 Census: see George Vosbourgh4
- Census: 1921; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 43 at 1921 Census: see George Vosbourg7
Family: George Vosbourgh Jr. b. 20 Dec 1869, d. 15 Jun 1947
- Marriage*: 7 May 1898; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010618: Groom: George Vosbourgh; Age: 29; Res. & Born: Cramahe Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: George Vosbourhg & Margaret Lee; Bride: Alice Towns; Age: 20; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Herbert Towns & Calista Dusenbury; Wit.: Rhoda Wordger & Matilda Bell, Wooler; Date: May 7 1898; Place: Wooler; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: F. Wordger; Reg'd.: Jun 14 1989; Reg'r.: T. R. Garratt (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010618-1898, ancestry.com) Date May 7 1897 per GEDCOM of Isobel Adams Kanellos, Feb 16, 2007.; Principal=George Vosbourgh Jr.2,8
- Elsie Mae Vosbourgh4 b. 12 Aug 1899, d. 29 Dec 1984
- Clista Gladys Vosbourgh b. 20 Jul 1901, d. 29 Mar 1994
- James Herbert Vosbourgh2 b. 10 May 1903, d. 8 Mar 1988
- Hazel Annetta Vosbourgh2 b. 11 Aug 1905, d. 30 May 1994
- Allen John Vosbourgh2 b. 13 Jul 1907, d. 20 Mar 1962
- Samuel Gordon Vosbourgh+2 b. 12 Mar 1909, d. 5 Nov 2000
- Stuart George Vosbourgh2 b. 1911, d. 1911
- Margaret Vosbourgh3 b. 2 Jun 1912, d. 4 Oct 1916
- Laura Gertrude Vosbourgh2 b. 17 Sep 1915, d. Mar 1994
- Inez Almeda Vosbourgh+ b. 1 Sep 1919, d. 2002
- Alice Gladys per GEDCOM of Isobel Adams Kanellos, Feb 16, 2007.
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S121] Unknown author, 1921 Census.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #010618-1898.
Fannie Town
F, #20366, b. 11 July 1887
- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 11 July 1887; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jul 1887 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Jul 11 1887 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1888 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.1,2,3
- Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1891 Census: see Herbert Town3
- Census*: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1901 Census: see Herbert Town1
- Census: 1911; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 23 at 1911 Census: see Herbert Town2
Annie Anora Town1,2
F, #20367, b. 4 November 1898
- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 4 November 1898; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n.# : Name: Annie Anora town; Date: Nov 4 1898; Parents: Hebert Harvey Town & Calista Adelaide Dusenbury; .... pg. 2 n/a ... (Ontario Birth Registration, #... , ancestry.com) Date Nov 4 1898 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date Nov 1899 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.3,4,2
Dora Kathleen Town1,2
F, #20368, b. 16 June 1895
- Father*: Herbert Harvey Town b. 1 Sep 1848, d. 1922
- Mother*: Calista Adelaide Dusenbury b. 14 Feb 1857, d. 1942
- Birth*: 16 June 1895; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n.#022511; Name: Dora Kathleen Town; Date: Jun 16 1895; Parents: Herbert Town & Calista Dusenbury; Occ,: famrer; Inf.: Mrs. Herbert Town, Brighton Twp.; Reg'.d: Sep 25 1895; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker (Ontario Birth Registraton, #022511-1895, ancestry.com)
Date Jun 16 1895 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date Jun 1895 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Per death notice of sister, Flossie May (Town) Dingman.3,4,5
- Census*: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1901 Census: see Herbert Town3
- Census: 1911; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 16 at 1911 Census: see Herbert Town4
- Dora Kathleen per Birth Reg'n.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #022511-1895.