Richard Kelly
M, #9372, b. before 1860
- Birth*: before 1860
- Marriage*: before 1880; Principal=Mary A. Topping
Family: Mary A. Topping b. b 1860
- Margaret Maud Kelly b. 1883
Mary A. Topping
F, #9373, b. before 1860
- Birth*: before 1860
- Marriage*: before 1880; Principal=Richard Kelly
- Married Name: before 1880; Kelly
Family: Richard Kelly b. b 1860
- Margaret Maud Kelly b. 1883
Charlotte Lampo1
F, #9374, b. 2 November 1845, d. 29 March 1927
- Father*: Isaac Lampo b. b 1823
- Mother*: Elizabeth Lacount b. b 1823
- Birth*: 2 November 1845; Bastard Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario; Date per Death Reg'n. Per marriage reg'n.
- Marriage*: 10 October 1916; Elizabethtown Twp., Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Almerin Emery Blanchard; Age: 70; Res.: Addison; Born: Greenbush; Status: widower; Occupation: gentleman; Parents: Emery Blanchard & Happy Hucthinson; Bride: Charlotte Connell; Age: 71; Res.: Greenbush; Born: Bastard; Status: widow; Religion: Meth.; Parents: Isaac Lampo? & Elizabeth Lacount; Witnesses: Chalres H. Connell, Greenbush & S. Herbert Landon, Gisford?; Date: 10 Dec 1916; Location: Greenbush; Performed by: Charles K. Baldwin; Principal=Almiron Emery Blanchard2
- Death*: 29 March 1927; General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: Charlotte Blanchard; Died: Mar 29, 1927; Age: 81; Location: General Hospital, Brockville; Status: widw; Years at residence: Greenbush, 10 years; Born: Athens, Nov 2; Informant: C. L. Blanchard, New York City, nephew; Buried: Greenbush Cemetery, Mar 31, 1927, Lyman L Judson, Athens; Cause: cancer of bladder; Dr. J. A. Brown, M. D., Athens; Reg'd: Apr 2, 19273
- Burial*: 31 March 1927; Greenbush Cemetery, Elizabethtown Twp., Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per Death.
- Married Name: 10 October 1916; Blanchard2
Family: Almiron Emery Blanchard b. 20 Sep 1846, d. 28 Jan 1926
Isaac Lampo
M, #9375, b. before 1823
- Birth*: before 1823
- Marriage*: before 1843; Principal=Elizabeth Lacount
Family: Elizabeth Lacount b. b 1823
- Charlotte Lampo b. 2 Nov 1845, d. 29 Mar 1927
Elizabeth Lacount
F, #9376, b. before 1823
- Birth*: before 1823
- Marriage*: before 1843; Principal=Isaac Lampo
- Married Name: before 1843; Lampo
Family: Isaac Lampo b. b 1823
- Charlotte Lampo b. 2 Nov 1845, d. 29 Mar 1927
William H. Davis
M, #9377, b. before 1870
- Birth*: before 1870
- Marriage*: before 1890; Principal=Isabella Borthwick
Family: Isabella Borthwick b. b 1870
- Gertrude Isobel Davis+ b. 1894, d. 1970
Isabella Borthwick
F, #9378, b. before 1870
- Birth*: before 1870
- Marriage*: before 1890; Principal=William H. Davis
- Married Name: before 1890; Davis
Family: William H. Davis b. b 1870
- Gertrude Isobel Davis+ b. 1894, d. 1970
Samuel Earl Niblock
M, #9379, b. 1897
- Father*: Nelson Niblock b. b 1875
- Mother*: Mary Dillon b. b 1875
- Birth*: 1897; Lansdowne Twp., Lyndhurst, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per marriage reg'n.
- Marriage*: 3 October 1918; Smiths Falls, Lanark Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Samuel Earl Niblock; Age: 21; Res.: Jasper; Born: Lyndhurst; Status: bachelor; Occupation: farmer; Religion: Meth.; Parents: Nelson Niblock & Mary Dillon; Bride: Ella Eta Blanchard; Age: 18; Res.: Smiths Falls; Born: Lombardy; Status: spinster; Religion: Holiness Movement; Parents: Frank Blancahrd & Miss? Gardiner; Witnesses: R. B. McColl & Dorothy McColl, both of Smiths Falls; Date: 3 Oct 1918; Location: Smiths Falls; Performed by: C. W. McColl, Smiths Falls; Principal=Ella Eta "Effie" Blanchard1
Family: Ella Eta "Effie" Blanchard b. Jun 1890
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 011737 - 1918.
Nelson Niblock
M, #9380, b. before 1875
- Birth*: before 1875
- Marriage*: before 1895; Principal=Mary Dillon
Family: Mary Dillon b. b 1875
- Samuel Earl Niblock b. 1897
Mary Dillon
F, #9381, b. before 1875
- Birth*: before 1875
- Marriage*: before 1895; Principal=Nelson Niblock
- Married Name: before 1895; Niblock
Family: Nelson Niblock b. b 1875
- Samuel Earl Niblock b. 1897
Frederick William Blanchard
M, #9382, b. 1888
- Father*: Franklin "Frank" Blanchard b. 1860
- Mother*: Martha Seymour b. 1861, d. 24 Oct 1887
- Birth*: 1888; South Elmsley Twp., Lombardy, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per Marriage Reg'n.
- Marriage*: 29 May 1917; Smith Falls, Lanark Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Frederick Wm. Blanchard; Age: 29; Res.: Smiths Falls; Born: Lombardy; Status: bachelor; Occupation: plumbing; Religion: Meth.; Parents: Frank Blanchard & Martha Seymour; Bride: Eva A. Riley; Age: 23; Res. & born: Smiths Falls; Status: spinster; Religion: Meth.; William Riley & Ida Moore; Witnesses: R. B. McColl & D. M. McColl, both of Smiths Falls; Date: 29 May 1917; Location: Smiths Falls; Principal=Eva A. Riley1
Family: Eva A. Riley b. 1894
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 011383 - 1917.
Eva A. Riley
F, #9383, b. 1894
- Father*: William Riley b. b 1873
- Mother*: Ida Moore b. b 1873
- Birth*: 1894; Smiths Falls, Lanark Co., Ontario; Per Marriage Reg'n.
- Marriage*: 29 May 1917; Smith Falls, Lanark Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Frederick Wm. Blanchard; Age: 29; Res.: Smiths Falls; Born: Lombardy; Status: bachelor; Occupation: plumbing; Religion: Meth.; Parents: Frank Blanchard & Martha Seymour; Bride: Eva A. Riley; Age: 23; Res. & born: Smiths Falls; Status: spinster; Religion: Meth.; William Riley & Ida Moore; Witnesses: R. B. McColl & D. M. McColl, both of Smiths Falls; Date: 29 May 1917; Location: Smiths Falls; Principal=Frederick William Blanchard1
- Married Name: 29 May 1917; Blanchard1
Family: Frederick William Blanchard b. 1888
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 011383 - 1917.
William Riley
M, #9384, b. before 1873
- Birth*: before 1873
- Marriage*: before 1893; Principal=Ida Moore
Family: Ida Moore b. b 1873
- Eva A. Riley b. 1894
Ida Moore
F, #9385, b. before 1873
- Birth*: before 1873
- Marriage*: before 1893; Principal=William Riley
- Married Name: before 1893; Riley
Family: William Riley b. b 1873
- Eva A. Riley b. 1894
William Blanchard
M, #9386, b. September 1892, d. 15 October 1892
- Father*: Frederick James Blanchard b. 18 Jul 1864
- Mother*: Rachael Ann Gentilian b. 1866
- Birth*: September 1892; Leeds Co., Ontario; Per Death.
- Death*: 15 October 1892; Brockville, Leeds Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: William Blanchard; Died: 15 Oct, 1892; Age: 3 weeks; Status: Infant son of F. J. Blanchard, Brockville; Dr.: Dr. Cornell; Informant: Fred J. Blanchard; Reg'd: 17 Oct 1892; Religion: Meth1
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 009471 - 1892.
Calvin Brown
M, #9387, b. 1850, d. 1850
- Father*: Albert H. Brown b. b 1830
- Mother*: Elizabeth Blanchard b. 16 Nov 1833, d. 5 Nov 1850
- Birth*: 1850; Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per Burial
- Death*: 1850; Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per Burial
- Burial*: 1850; Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Cemetery Transcription: Brown - Elizabeth Blanchard, wife of Albert H. Brown, died 5 Nov 1850, aged 16 years, 11 months, 19 days, Little Calvin (from Ontario Archives)
? Blanchard
M, #9388, b. after 1836
- Father*: Hiram Wallace Blanchard b. 7 Sep 1807
- Mother*: Lucy Olds b. 1812
- Birth*: after 1836; Elizabethtown Twp., Leeds Co., Ontario; ?? Per 1848 Census.
Samuel Olds
M, #9389, b. 1781
- Father*: Moses Olds b. c 1755
- Mother*: Kesiah Shaw b. c 1759
- Birth*: 1781; Montaque Twp., Smiths Falls, Lanark Co., Ontario; Per IGI Record
- Marriage*: circa 1805; Per IGI Record; Principal=? Benedict
Family: ? Benedict b. b 1785
- William Olds+ b. 1806, d. 1896
- David Olds+ b. 1808, d. 1885
- Anna Olds b. 1816, d. 1866
- Polly Olds b. c 1820
- Anna Olds+ b. 1821, d. 1866
? Benedict
F, #9390, b. before 1785
- Birth*: before 1785; Per IGI Record
- Marriage*: circa 1805; Per IGI Record; Principal=Samuel Olds
- Married Name: circa 1805; Olds
Family: Samuel Olds b. 1781
- William Olds+ b. 1806, d. 1896
- David Olds+ b. 1808, d. 1885
- Anna Olds b. 1816, d. 1866
- Polly Olds b. c 1820
- Anna Olds+ b. 1821, d. 1866
Polly Olds
F, #9391, b. circa 1820
- Father*: Samuel Olds b. 1781
- Mother*: ? Benedict b. b 1785
- Birth*: circa 1820; Elizabethtown Twp., Greenbush, Leeds Co., Ontario; Per IGI Record
- Marriage*: circa 1844; Leeds Co., Ontario; Per IGI Record; Principal=John Rogers
- Married Name: circa 1844; Rogers