Sarah A. Boget1

F, #49298, b. 1848
  • Birth*: 1848; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1848 & location NY per 1850 Census.1
  • Census*: 4 October 1850; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 2 at 1850 Census: see Francis Boget1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Daniel Jewell1

M, #49299, b. 1830
  • Birth*: 1830; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1830 & locaiton NY per 1860 & 1870 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1855; New York, U.S.A.; Principal=Sarah Ann Johnson1
  • Census*: 9 August 1860; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 30 at 1860 Census: Jewell, Daniel, 30, b. NY, farmer, married; Sarah, 28, b. Cda., married; Ardell, 5, b. NY; Loretta, 71, b. NY, widow; Johnson, Thomas, 16, b. NY, farm labourer (
  • Census: 20 July 1870; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 40 at 1870 Census: Jewell, Daniel, 40, b. NY, farmer, married; Sarah A., 39, b. Cda., married; Della, 13, b. NY (
  • Census: 14 June 1880; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 50 at 1880 Census: Jewell, Daniel, 50, b. NY, parents b. NY, farmer, married; Sarah Ann, 48, b. NY, parents b. NY, married; Johnson, Burt(m), 13, nephew; Bradford, Alberta(m), 24, b. NY, parents b. NY, farm lab., single (
    Note: Burt Johnson may be an illegitimate son of Sarah's younger sister Mary??? "He" appears with Mary Johnson as Elbertta, age 3, a female, in Cramahe Twp. 1871 Census.???1

Family: Sarah Ann Johnson b. 1832


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Ardell "Della" Jewell1,2

F, #49300, b. 1855
  • Birth*: 1855; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1855 & location NY per 1860 Census.2
  • Census*: 9 August 1860; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 5 at 1860 Census: see Daniel Jewell2
  • Census: 20 July 1870; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 13 at 1870 Census: see Daniel Jewell2


  1. Ardell per 1860 Census. Della per 1870 Census.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

George Bradford1

M, #49301, b. 1827
  • Birth*: 1827; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1827 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1852; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; per 1870 Census. per email from Mary Johnson Koons, Apr 8, 2006.; Principal=Sophia Johnson1,2
  • Census: 21 July 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 30 at 1860 Census: Bradford, George, 30, b. NY, farmer, married; Sophia, 27, b. NY, married; Eldonas(m), 7, b, NY; Alberto, 5; Albert, 2; William, 1 month (
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 43 at 1870 Census: Bradford, George, 43, b. NY, farmer, married; Sophia, 37, b. Cda., married; Elldorous(m), 17, b. NY, farm lab.; Elbirta(m), 15; Albert, 13; William, 10; George, 4 months - Jan (

Family: Sophia Johnson b. 1833


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
  2. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.

Trillie R. ?1

F, #49302, b. 1849
  • Birth*: 1849; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1849 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1866; New York, U.S.A.; per 1870 Census.; Principal=Thomas Johnson1
  • Married Name: before 1866; Johnson1
  • Census*: 22 July 1870; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 21 at 1870 Census: see Thomas Johnson1

Family: Thomas Johnson b. 1844


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Effie D. Johnson1

F, #49303, b. 1867
  • Birth*: 1867; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1867 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Census*: 22 July 1870; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 3 at 1870 Census: see Thomas Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Francis N. Johnson1

M, #49304, b. 1868
  • Birth*: 1868; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1868 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Census*: 22 July 1870; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 2 at 1870 Census: see Thomas Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Eldonas Bradford1,2

M, #49305, b. 1853
  • Birth*: 1853; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1853 & location NY per 1870 Census.2
  • Census: 21 July 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 7 at 1860 Census: see George Bradford2
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 17 at 1870 Census: see George Bradford2


  1. Eldonas?? per 1860 Census.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Alburto Bradford1,2

M, #49306, b. 1855
  • Birth*: 1855; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1855 & location NY per 1870 Census.2
  • Census: 21 July 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 5 at 1860 Census: see George Bradford2
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 15 at 1870 Census: see George Bradford2


  1. Alburto?? per 1860 Census.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Albert Bradford1

M, #49307, b. 1857
  • Birth*: 1857; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1857 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Census: 21 July 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 2 at 1860 Census: see George Bradford1
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 13 at 1870 Census: see George Bradford1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

William Bradford1

M, #49308, b. June 1860
  • Birth*: June 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date June 1860 per 1860 Census. Date 1860 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Census: 21 July 1860; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 1 month at 1860 Census: see George Bradford1
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 10 at 1870 Census: see George Bradford1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

George Bradford1

M, #49309, b. January 1870
  • Birth*: January 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Jan 1870 & location NY per 1870 Census.1
  • Census*: 2 June 1870; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 4 months at 1870 Census - Jan: see George Bradford1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Alpha Amelia Johnson1,2,3

F, #49310, b. 1853
  • Birth*: 1853; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1853 & location NY per 1870 Census.2
  • Census: 26 June 1860; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 7 at 1860 Census: see John Johnson
    Note: Shows Alpha A. as female - this is correct per email from Mary Johnson Koons, Apr 8 2006.2,3
  • Census*: 23 June 1870; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 17 at 1870 Census: see John Johnson
    Note: Shows Alpha A. as male - wrong - should be a female.2


  1. Alpha Amelia email from Mary Johnson Koons, Apr 8, 2006.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
  3. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.

James A. Johnson1,2

M, #49311, b. October 1854
  • Birth*: October 1854; Parma, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Oct 1854 & location NY per 1900 Census. Date 1855 & location NY per 1870 Census. Date 1854 & location NY per 1860 Census.2
  • Marriage*: before 1879; Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; James is a widower for 1900 Census.; Principal=? ?2
  • Census: 26 June 1860; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 6 at 1860 Census: see John Johnson2
  • Census*: 23 June 1870; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 15 at 1870 Census: see John Johnson2
  • Census: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 45 at 1900 Census: Johnson, James A., 45, b. NY Oct 1854, parents b. Cda. & NY, farmer, widower; Addie I., 20, b. MI May 1880, parent b. NY, daughter; George E., 17, b. MI Sept 1882, son; Mabel A., 14, b. MI Jul 1885, daughter; Ernest L., 7, b. MI Feb 1893, son; Emma J., 1, b. MI Jan 1898, daughter (
    Note: On same page (17 of 28) a few lines below his parents John and Malinda Johnson.2
  • Census: 28 April 1910; Ionia Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 55 at 1910 Census: Johnson, James A., 55, b. NY, parents b. NY, farmer, widower; Addie, 28, b. MI, parents b. NY, daughter; Ernest L., 17; Emma J., 11 (
  • Census: 7 January 1920; Eagle Twp., Clinton Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 65 at 1920 Census: see Ernest L. Johnson2
  • Census: 17 April 1930; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 75 at 1930 Census: see Ernest Johnson (son)2

Family: ? ? b. c 1855, d. b 1900

  • Marriage*: before 1879; Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; James is a widower for 1900 Census.; Principal=? ?2


  1. James A. per 1900 Census.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

? ?1

F, #49312, b. circa 1855, d. before 1900
  • Birth*: circa 1855; New York, U.S.A.; Date ? & location NY per 1900 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1879; Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; James is a widower for 1900 Census.; Principal=James A. Johnson1
  • Death*: before 1900; Michigan, U.S.A.; per 1900 Census.1
  • Married Name: before 1879; Johnson1

Family: James A. Johnson b. Oct 1854


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Addie I. Johnson1

F, #49313, b. May 1880
  • Birth*: May 1880; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date May 1880 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 20 at 1900 Census: see James A. Johnson1
  • Census: 28 April 1910; Ionia Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 28 at 1910 Census: see James A. Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

George E. Johnson1

M, #49314, b. September 1882
  • Birth*: September 1882; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Sep 1882 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 17 at 1900 Census: see James A. Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Mabel A. Johnson1

F, #49315, b. July 1885
  • Birth*: July 1885; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Jul 1885 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 14 at 1900 Census: see James A. Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Ernest Lee Johnson1,2,3

M, #49316, b. February 1893
  • Birth*: February 1893; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Feb 1893 & location MI per 1900 Census.2
  • Marriage*: before 1917; Michigan, U.S.A.; Zora age 17 when married per 1930 Census.; Principal=Zora M. ?2
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 7 at 1900 Census: see James A. Johnson2
  • Census: 28 April 1910; Ionia Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 17 at 1910 Census: see James A. Johnson2
  • Census: 7 January 1920; Eagle Twp., Clinton Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 26 at 1920 Census: Johnson, Ernest L., 26, b. MI, parents b. NY, farmer, married; Lorna? M., 20, b. MI, parents b. MI, married; Galon E., 2 years 9?/12, b. MI, parents b. MI, son; Eloner E.?(m), 6/12, son; James A., 65, b. NY, parents b. Cda. & NY, father, widower (
  • Census: 19 April 1930; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 37 at 1930 Census: Johnson, Ernest, 37, b. MI, parents b. NY, age 23 at 1st marriage, farmer, married; Zora, 31, b. MI, parents b. MI, age 17 at 1st marriage, married; Galen, 12, b. MI, parents b. MI, son; Eleanor(f), 10, daughter; Ethlyn, 6, daughter; James, 75, b. Ny, parents b. Cda. & NY, age 25 1st marriage, widower (

Family: Zora M. ? b. 1900


  1. Ernest Lee per email from Mary Johnson Koons, Apr 8 2006.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
  3. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.

Emma J. Johnson1

F, #49317, b. January 1898
  • Birth*: January 1898; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Jan 1898 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; Sebewa Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 1 at 1900 Census: see James A. Johnson1
  • Census: 28 April 1910; Ionia Twp., Ionia Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 11 at 1910 Census: see James A. Johnson1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.