Vincent Ferguson

M, #5137, b. 1809
  • Birth*: 1809; Date 1809 per GEDCOM of Arnold Weirmeir ( Nov 17 2015.1
  • Marriage*: 3 January 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; "In the Methodist Chapel, on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. Thomas Bevitt, Mr. Vincent Ferguson to Miss Betsey Orser, both of Hallowell." per Hallowell Free Press, Jan 10 1832, per Orser History - Carol Carson.; Principal=Elizabeth Orser2

Family: Elizabeth Orser b. 1800


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.

William Orser

M, #5138, b. 20 September 1811, d. 8 September 1886
  • Birth*: 20 September 1811; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Full date per Orser History - Carol Carson. Year per 1871 Census. Sons and Daughters of United Empire Loyalists, Canadian Genealogical Index Cd
  • Marriage*: 26 January 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Christian Guardian, Toronto, 1830, Dec 1831-Nov 1835: Issue FEb 1 1832; At the same time (Jan 26th), William Orser to Lydia Orser, both of Hallowell (Rev. Thomas Bevitt) (Ontario Register CD); Principal=Lydia Orser
  • Death*: 8 September 1886; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Orser History - Carol Carson.
  • Note*: 27 November 1834; Upper Canada; O. C. Date per "Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists" - from Ontario Registers CD
  • Census: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 41 at 1851 Census: Orser, William, 41, b. U.C., married; Lydia, 43, wife; Elijah, 20, labourer; Charles, 18, nancy, 16; Sarah ann, 14; Phebe, 12; William, 9, Hannah, 5; Almira, 2; Gilbert, ??, b. New York State, widower1
  • Census*: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 51 at 1861 Census: Orser, William, 51, b. Prince Edward Co., E. M., farmer, married; Lydia, 52, b. C. W., married; Elijah, 29, b. Prince Edward Co., farmer, single; Sarah A., 22; William C. 18; Hannah, 14; Amelia, 11; Agnes A. 2; Charles, 27, married; Lovinia, 27, b. U.S., married; Ranson, E., 1, b. Prince Edward Co.2
  • Census: April 1871; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 59 at 1871 Census: Orser, William, 59, b. Ontario, E. M., English, farmer, married; Lydia, 61, married; Elijah, 38, single; Hannah, 23, single; Almira, 21, single3
  • Census: April 1881; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 69? at 1881 Census: Orser, William, 69 (or 7?), b. Ontario, e. M., German, farmer, married; Lydia, 72, married; Elijah, 49, widower?; Almina, 21,?4

Family: Lydia Orser b. 31 Jan 1809, d. 7 Feb 1894

  • Marriage*: 26 January 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Christian Guardian, Toronto, 1830, Dec 1831-Nov 1835: Issue FEb 1 1832; At the same time (Jan 26th), William Orser to Lydia Orser, both of Hallowell (Rev. Thomas Bevitt) (Ontario Register CD); Principal=Lydia Orser


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 41.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 51.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 59.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 69?

Joseph Orser

M, #5139, b. 1803, d. 1 November 1842
  • Birth*: 1803; Ontario; Sons and Daughters of United Empire Loyalists, Canadian Genealogical Index Cd
  • Marriage*: before 1838; Ontario; Principal=Elizabeth MacDonald
  • Death*: 1 November 1842; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Debby Worden 9/13/99
  • Note*: 28 February 1835; Ontario; O. C. Date per "Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists" - from Ontario Registers CD1
  • Note: before 1 November 1842; Joseph and Elizabeth are the parents of Joanna and Franklin per marriage registrations of both kids. They are not children of David although they lived with David's family after their father died.

Family: Elizabeth MacDonald b. b 1818


  1. [S29] Loyalist Lists.

Gilbert Orser

M, #5140, b. 1807
  • Birth*: 1807; Kingston, Frontenac Co., Ontario; Date 1805 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1805 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1804 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Debby Worden 11/29/99, Sons and Daughters of United Empire Loyalists, Canadian Genealogical Index Cd1,2,3
  • Marriage*: 24 February 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Christian Guardian, Toronto, 1830, Dec 1831-Nov 1835: Issue FEb 1 1832; On 24th ult., Gilbert Orser, Jr., to Catherine Bowerman, both of Hallowell (Rev. Daniel McMullen) (Ontario Registers CD)
    Per Debbie Worden Email 6/6/99; Principal=Catherine Bowerman
  • Note: 8 January 1829; 1st Regiment of Militia, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Gilbert Orser, age 22
  • Note*: 6 October 1831; Ontario; O. C. Date per "Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists" - from Ontario Registers CD
  • Census*: 1839; Murray Twp., Ontario; 1839 Murray Twp. Census shows Gilbert Orser with 4 total persons; 1 male over 16, 1 male under 16, 1 female over 16 and two females under 16
  • Census: 1840; Murray Twp., Ontario; 1840 Census: Gilbert Orser; 1 male under 16, 1 male over 16; 3 females under 16; 1 female over 16
  • Census: 1841; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1841 Census: Gilbert Orser; 1 males over 16; 1 males under 16; 1 female over 16; 3 females under 16
  • Residence*: 1842; Lot 33 Conc 8, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1842 Census shows Gilbert Orser on Lot 33, Concession 8 of Murray Twp. - right beside David Orser on Lot 32.
  • Census: 1842; Murray Twp., Ontario; 1842 Murray Twp. Census shows Gilbert Orser with 6 total persons; one married male 21 - 30, one married female 15 - 45, 1 male 5 - 14, 1 female 5 - 14, 2 females under 5
  • Census: 1851; Scugog Twp., Ontario Co., Ontario; Age 47 at 1851 Census: Orser, Gilbert, 47, b. Ontario; Catherine, 43; Gilbert, 20; Beca, 18; Ruth, 15; Sary, 13; William A., 5; Davis, Wesley, 21, b. Cda., Meth, farmer, other res. Brock, single; Orser, Samuel, 18, b. Cda., Meth., farmer, other res. Reach, single (1851 Census: Scugog Twp., Ontario Co., pg. 3, of 23, line 6 -
  • Census: April 1861; Scugog Twp., Ontario Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1861 Census: Orser, Gilbert, 56; H, 52; R., 27; W., 16
  • Census: April 1871; Scugog Twp., Ontario Co., Ontario; Age 66 at 1871 Census: Orser, Gilbert, 66; Catherine, 61; William, 23

Family: Catherine Bowerman b. 1809

  • Marriage*: 24 February 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Christian Guardian, Toronto, 1830, Dec 1831-Nov 1835: Issue FEb 1 1832; On 24th ult., Gilbert Orser, Jr., to Catherine Bowerman, both of Hallowell (Rev. Daniel McMullen) (Ontario Registers CD)
    Per Debbie Worden Email 6/6/99; Principal=Catherine Bowerman


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Ann Orser

F, #5141, b. May 1806
  • Birth*: May 1806; Ontario; Date 1806 & location UC per 1851 Census - says "45 next May". Sons and Daughters of United Empire Loyalists, Canadian Genealogical Index Cd1
  • Marriage*: after 1825; Principal=Isaac C. Ferguson
  • Married Name: after 1825; Ferguson
  • Note*: 6 October 1831; Ontario; O. C. Date per "Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists" - from Ontario Registers CD2
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 45 at 1851 Census: see Isaac Ferguson1

Family: Isaac C. Ferguson b. 1801, d. 8 Nov 1879


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S29] Loyalist Lists.

Isaac C. Ferguson1,2

M, #5142, b. 1801, d. 8 November 1879

  • Birth*: 1801; New York, U.S.A.; Date 1801 & location NY per 1851 Census. Memorial in Chadsey Cemetery, Athol Twp., Prince Edward Co. shows Isaac C. Ferguson died Nov 8 1879 but age is not available - is the right one??2,3
  • Marriage*: after 1825; Principal=Ann Orser
  • Death*: 8 November 1879; Ontario; Date Nov 8 1879 per Memorial.2
  • Burial*: 10 November 1879; Chadsey Cemetery, Athol Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Isaac C. Ferguson; Died; Nov. 8, 1879; Aged; .... (Chadsey Cemetery, Athol Twp., May 28 2006)2
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 50 at 1851 Census: Ferguson, Isaac, 50, b. NY State, Em, Carpenter, married; Ann, 45 (next May), b. UC, EM, married; Gilbert, 23, b. UC, EM, lab., single; Samuel, 17; Willet, 2; Stephen, 26, b. UC, EM, Carpenter, married; Phebe, 21, b. UC, EM, married (1851 Census: Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., pg. 1 of 55, line 1 -

Family: Ann Orser b. May 1806


  1. Isaac C. per Memorial.
  2. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Enoch Orser

M, #5143, b. 1804, d. 1 October 1888
  • Birth*: 1804; Lennox & Addington Co., Upper Canada; Date 1804 per FindaGrave. County per IGI Record. Date 1802 & location per 1871 Census. Date 1801 & location UC per 1861 CEnsus. Sons and Daughters of United Empire Loyalists, Canadian Genealogical Index Cd1,2,3,4
  • Marriage*: after 1819; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per IGI Record.; Principal=Helen Delong
  • Death*: 1 October 1888; Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Oct 1 1888 per FindaGrave. Per GEDCOM of Doug MacLellan.1
  • Burial*: 3 October 1888; Wellmans Cemetery, Rawdon Twp., Wellmans Corners, Hastings Co., Ontario; FindaGrave: Name: Enoch Orser; BIRTH: 1804, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Canada; DEATH: 1 Oct 1888 (aged 83–84); BURIAL: Wellmans Cemetery, Rawdon, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada; MEMORIAL ID: 162876293 (
  • Census: 1823; Murray Twp., Presqu'ile Point, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1823 Assessment: Enoch Orser; Presqu'ile Point (Newcastle District Census & Assessment Records, Murray Twp.)5
  • Census: 1823; Murray Twp., Presqu'ile Point, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1823 Census: Enoch Orser; 1 male over 16; ? males under 16; 1 female over 16 (Newcastle District Census & Assessment Records, Murray Twp.)5
  • Census: 1824; Murray Twp., Presqu'ile Point, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1824 Census: Enoch Orser; 1 male over 16 (Newcastle District Census & Assessment Records, Murray Twp.)5
  • Census: 1824; Murray Twp., Presqu'ile Point, Lot 4, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1824 Assessment: Enoch Orser; 3 acres in lot 4, Presqu'ile Point (Newcastle District Census & Assessment Records, Murray Twp.)5
  • Note*: 7 May 1828; Ontario; O. C. Date per "Sons and Daughters of American Loyalists" - from Ontario Registers CD6
  • Census: April 1861; Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., Canada West; Age 60 at 1861 Census: Orser, Enoch, 60, b. UC, Epis. Meth., yeoman, married; Helen, 63, b. US, EM, married; Henry, 41, b. UC, EM, yeoman, single; Gilbert, 30, b. UC, EM, lab., single; William, 26, b. UC, EM, lab., single (1861 Census: Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., pg. 236 of 983, line 19 -
  • Census*: April 1871; Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 69 at 1871 Census: Orser, Enoch, 69, b. Ont., E. Meth., Germ., farmer, married; Hellen, 74, b. US, married; Henry, 49, b. Ont., single; Gilbert, 42, b. Ont., single; William, 38, b. Ont., single7
  • Census: April 1881; Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 80 at 1881 Census: Orser, Enoch, 80, b. Ont., Meth., Germ., farmer, married; Ellen, 84, married; Henry, 60, farmer, single; William, 45, single8

Family: Helen Delong b. 3 Dec 1795

  • Marriage*: after 1819; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per IGI Record.; Principal=Helen Delong


  1. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S196] Unknown author, Newcastle Census.
  6. [S29] Loyalist Lists.
  7. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 69.
  8. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 80.

William Case Orser1

M, #5144, b. 12 September 1843, d. 25 January 1930
  • Birth*: 12 September 1843; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Sep 1843 & location Ont. per 1911 Census.
    Date Sep 12 1843 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date Sep 10 1884 & location Hallowell per Death Reg'n. Orser History - Carol Carson. Date per 1871 Census
    Note: Interestingly, the Date Sep 10 1884, which is shown on his Death Reg'n. is also the date shown for his wife Phebe in the 1901 Census???2,3,4
  • Marriage*: before 1865; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Principal=Phoebe Jane Walters
  • Marriage*: 28 December 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n: William Case Orser, 69, widower; Res.: Picton; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Methodist; Parents: William & Lydia Orser; married Phoebe Beith, 64; Res.: Picton; Born: Prince Edward Co.; widow; Parents: Archalins Southard & Sarah Hubbs; Witnesses: Mrs. E. Farnsworth, Millford & Gladys Brunner, Trenton; on Dec 28, 1912; by Wm a. Brunner, Trenton; Principal=Phoebe Southard5
  • Death*: 25 January 1930; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#030223: Name: Wm. Case Orser; Date: Jan 25 1930; Age: 85; Res.: Hallowell; Born: Hallowell, Sep 10 1844; Status: widowed; Nat.: Eng.; Parents: William & Lyida Orser, b. Cda; Inf.: L. Orser, Picton, no relation; Phys.: Morley Currie, MD, Picton; Cause: bowel cancer, 6 mos.; Burial: Glenwood, Picton, Jan 27 1930 (Ontario Death Registration, #030223-1930,
  • Burial*: 27 January 1930; Glenwood Cemetery, Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per Death Reg'n.3
  • Census: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 9 at 1851 Census: see William Orser7
  • Census: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 18 at 1861 Census: see William Orser8
  • Census*: April 1871; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 27 at 1871 Census: Orser, William C., 27, b. Ontario, W. M., German, farmer, married; Phoebe, 26, b. Ontario, married; Myrtella, 5; Eliphalet, 2 months (Feb.)9
  • Census: April 1881; Hallowell Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1881 Census: Orser, William C., 37, b. Ont., Ger., E. M., farmer, married; Phoebe, 36, b. Ont., Ger., Meth., married; Mystella, 15, b. Ont., Ger., E. M.; Elephlat (m), 10 (
  • Census: April 1891; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 47 at 1891 Census: Orser, William, 47, b. Ontario, Parents b. Ontario, Meth., farmer, married; Phoebe, 46, married; Myrtle, 25; Eliphalet, 20; Claudie, 411
  • Note*: 16 September 1896; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Informant for Birth Registration of his son Eliphalet's daughter Mary Myrtile
  • Census: April 1901; Gore G, Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1901 Census: Orser, William, 57, b. Ont. r. Sep 12 1843, Dutch, M., farmer, married; Phebe, 56, b. Ont. r. Sep 10 1844, Ger., M., married; Claudia, 14, b. May 22 1886, daughter (1901 Census Online: Hallowell, dist 109, sub-dist. c-4, pg. 5, line 18, T-6493 - Gore G)4
  • Census: 5 June 1911; Main St., Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 67 at 1911 Census: see Eliphalet Orser (son)2
  • Residence*: 29 December 1912; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Residence Picton per marriage reg'n. - Phoebe Beath.12

Family 1: Phoebe Jane Walters b. 10 Sep 1844, d. 13 Nov 1908

Family 2: Phoebe Southard b. 21 Jul 1848, d. 1934

  • Marriage*: 28 December 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n: William Case Orser, 69, widower; Res.: Picton; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Methodist; Parents: William & Lydia Orser; married Phoebe Beith, 64; Res.: Picton; Born: Prince Edward Co.; widow; Parents: Archalins Southard & Sarah Hubbs; Witnesses: Mrs. E. Farnsworth, Millford & Gladys Brunner, Trenton; on Dec 28, 1912; by Wm a. Brunner, Trenton; Principal=Phoebe Southard5


  1. Names per 1871 Census, Marriage Reg'n. & others - confusion re Case - frm surname in area.
  2. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  4. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 009753 - 1912.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #030223-1930.
  7. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 9.
  8. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 18.
  9. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 27.
  10. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  11. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 47.
  12. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Phoebe Jane Walters1,2,3

F, #5145, b. 10 September 1844, d. 13 November 1908
  • Birth*: 10 September 1844; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Sep 10 1844 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1844 & location Ontario per 1881 Census. Date Per email. Date 1846 & location Prince Edward Co. per Death Reg'n.4,5,2
  • Marriage*: before 1865; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Principal=William Case Orser
  • Death*: 13 November 1908; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#025090: Name: Pheobe Jane Orser; Date: Nov 13 1908; Age: 62 yrs.; Res.: Hallowell; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Status: married; Parents: - - ; Phys.: Dr. M. Currie; Inf.: Robert Cunningham, Picton; Reg'd.: Nov 14 1908; Cause: heart disease, 10 years (Ontario Death Registration, #025090-1908,
    Per email.6
  • Married Name: before 1865; Orser
  • Census*: April 1871; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 26 at 1871 Census: see William Case Orser7
  • Census: April 1881; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 36 at 1881 Census: see William C. Orser4
  • Census: April 1891; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 46 at 1891 Census: see William Case Orser8
  • Census: April 1901; Gore G, Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1901 Census: see William Case Orser5

Family: William Case Orser b. 12 Sep 1843, d. 25 Jan 1930


  1. Pheobe Jane per Death Reg'n. Middle initial Per e-mail address email.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  3. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #025090-1908.
  7. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 26.
  8. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 46.

Elizabeth H. McDonnell1

F, #5146, b. 30 August 1814, d. 26 May 1908

  • Birth*: 30 August 1814; Ontario; Date per 1901 Census
  • Marriage*: 1849; Canada West; 1848 Census shows no married woman with David Orser. Philander Smith Orser's Death Registration shows Phoebe Worden as his mother. She died 1846. David Hulbert's mother is Elizabeth per his marriage reg'n.; Principal=David Orser
  • Death*: 26 May 1908; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n: Eliza Orser; Age: 93y; Died: May 26, 1908; Location: Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighotn Twp.; lady; widowed; Methodist; Cause: old age; Doctor: Dr. A. W. Stinson; Reg'd: May 27, 1908; Informant: Dr. A. W. Stinson
    "Orser: In the township of Brighton, Tuesday, May 26, 1908, Elizabeth McDonald, relict of the late David Orser, inher 94th year." Brighton Ensign, may 29, 19082
  • Burial*: 29 May 1908; Mount Olivet Cemetery, Codrington, Ontario; Per Death
  • Note*: 1849; Elizabeth's surname is shown as McDonald in death notice and other places. Where does McDonnell come from - just poor hand writing somewhere?
  • Married Name: 1849; Orser
  • Census: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 38 at 1851 Census: see David Orser3
  • Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1871 Census: see David Orser4
  • Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 66 at 1881 Census: see David Orser5
  • Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 76 at 1891 Census: see Hulbert Orser6
  • Census: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 86 at 1901 Census: see Hulbert Orser7

Family: David Orser b. 24 Sep 1797, d. 6 Jul 1891

  • Marriage*: 1849; Canada West; 1848 Census shows no married woman with David Orser. Philander Smith Orser's Death Registration shows Phoebe Worden as his mother. She died 1846. David Hulbert's mother is Elizabeth per his marriage reg'n.; Principal=David Orser


  1. Surname per email from Jean Ann Orser Lupinetti.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 020739 - 1908.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 38.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 57.
  5. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 66.
  6. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 76.
  7. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 86.

David "Hulbert" Orser

M, #5147, b. 21 November 1854, d. 4 January 1941

  • Birth*: 21 November 1854; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Nov 21 1854 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1855 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1855 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1854 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Location Hallowell per marriage reg'n. Date 1855 per Memorial.1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Marriage*: 14 September 1875; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#006215: Groom: Hulbert D. Orser; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton Twp., Born: Prince Edward Co.; Occ.: farmer; Parents: David & Elizabeth Orser; Bride: Annetta Newcombe; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: J. W. & Phoebe Newcombe; Wit.: H. A. W. & Martha ?Hubbs?, of Cramahe Twp.; Date: Sept 14, 1875; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Epis. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. S. W. Simpson (Ontario Marriage Registration, #006215-1875); Principal=Enetta Almira Newcomb7
  • Death*: 4 January 1941; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jan 4 1941 per Latimer Photos. 1941 Per Rosalyn Insley 8/24/998
  • Burial*: 6 January 1941; Mount Olivet Cemetery, Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) ORSER; Eneta Newcomb; 1857 - 1935; wife of; David Hulbert Orser; 1855 - 1941 (Warkworth Cemetery, Percy Twp.) OCS - KW-N-096-1, O626. Date of Death Jan 4 1941 per Latimer Photo.8,6
  • Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1871 Census: see David Orser9
  • Residence: 19 August 1878; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (2185) show that David Orser & Elizabeth Orser sold 100 acres of the east half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. to his son David H. Orser.
  • Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 26 at 1881 Census: Orser, David H., 26, b. Ontario, E. M., German, farmer, married; Nettie A., 23, English, married10
  • Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 36 at 1891 Census: Orser, Hulbert, 36, b. Ont. p.b. Ont., Meth., farmer, married; Netta, 33, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., married; David, 93, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., Father, married; Eliza, 76, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., Mother, married (1891 Census: Brighton Twp., pg. 116, line 3)3
  • Note*: 7 July 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Registration of his father David Orser.
  • Note: 14 May 1896; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Registration of son James Hulbert Orser
  • Note: 6 October 1897; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Registration of daughter Ennetta Alberta Orser.
  • Census: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 46 at 1901 Census: Orser, David H., 46, b. Ontario 21 Nov 1854, Dutch, Meth., farmer, married; Anetta A., 43, b. Ontario 30 Jul 1857, English; Elizabeth H., 86, b. Ontario 30 Aug 1814, Irish, mother11
  • Note: 27 July 1910; Brighton Twp., Mount Olivet, Northumberland Co., Ontario; A large group picture of the Women's Insititute was taken outside the home of "Mrs. Orser, Codrington" on July 27, 1910. This would be at the home of David "Hulbert" Orser and his wife Enetta Almira Newcomb. it would be on the north side of Goodfellow Road, between the current farms of James Woof and Mick Clitheroe. An original of this photograph was found in "The King Collection" which was loaned to me by Roger McMurray Janary 7, 2014. (Dan Buchanan, Jan 9 2014)12
  • Residence: 5 June 1911; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence per 1911 Census: Conc 8, Lot 32, East Half, Brighton Twp.13
  • Census: 5 June 1911; Brighton Twp., Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1911 Census: Orser, HUlbert, 56, b. Ont. Nov 1854, Ger., Meth., farmer, married; Enetta, 53, b. Ont. July 1857, Eng., Meth., married (1911 Census Image On Archive Canada Web Site: Codrington, page 4, line 17)(Conc 8, Lot 32, East Half)13
  • Note: circa 1930; Brighton Twp., Orland, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Hulbert Orser appears in The Latimer Photos which were taken by Hugh Latimer during the early 1920s and late 1930s at his father's General Store in Orland. (The Latimer Photos, Codrington Public Library)8
  • Residence*: circa 1932; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; " .... gave up farming and moved to Warkworth a few years ago. ..." from Death of wife
  • Residence: 11 April 1932; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (12133) show that David H. Orser & wife sold 100 acres of the east half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. to C. Aubrey Woof for $6,050.

Family: Enetta Almira Newcomb b. 30 Jul 1857, d. 22 Oct 1935

  • Marriage*: 14 September 1875; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#006215: Groom: Hulbert D. Orser; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton Twp., Born: Prince Edward Co.; Occ.: farmer; Parents: David & Elizabeth Orser; Bride: Annetta Newcombe; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: J. W. & Phoebe Newcombe; Wit.: H. A. W. & Martha ?Hubbs?, of Cramahe Twp.; Date: Sept 14, 1875; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Epis. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. S. W. Simpson (Ontario Marriage Registration, #006215-1875); Principal=Enetta Almira Newcomb7


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  7. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 006215 - 1875.
  8. [S87] Unknown subject unknown record type; unknown repository.
  9. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 17.
  10. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 26.
  11. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 46.
  12. [S2] Unknown author, unknown short title.
  13. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Enetta Almira Newcomb1

F, #5148, b. 30 July 1857, d. 22 October 1935

  • Birth*: 30 July 1857; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date July 1857 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Jul 30 1857 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1858 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1858 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1858 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.2,3,4,5,6
  • Marriage*: 14 September 1875; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#006215: Groom: Hulbert D. Orser; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton Twp., Born: Prince Edward Co.; Occ.: farmer; Parents: David & Elizabeth Orser; Bride: Annetta Newcombe; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: J. W. & Phoebe Newcombe; Wit.: H. A. W. & Martha ?Hubbs?, of Cramahe Twp.; Date: Sept 14, 1875; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Epis. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. S. W. Simpson (Ontario Marriage Registration, #006215-1875); Principal=David "Hulbert" Orser7
  • Death*: 22 October 1935; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "The death of Mrs. D. H. Orser occured at her home in Warkworth on October 22 at the age of 78 years. Mrs. Orser had lived all her life in Brighton Township until she and her husband gave up farming and moved to Warkworth a few years ago. She was well liked by her friends and neighbours who sympathized with her husband at his loss. Burial took place at Mount Olivet Cemetery, October 24th." Brighton Ensign, November 1, 1935
    "Mrs. Hulbert Orser - Eneta Newcomb 1857 - 1935; Eneat Newcomb daughter of David and Eliza Newcomb married Hulbert Orser in Sept. 1875 and lived in the Mount Olivet neighbourhood on a farm now owned by Clarence Woof." from The Tweedsmuir Histories of Codrington, Reel 1, copied from microfilm at The Metro Toronto Reference Library, Nov. 2007.
    Note: The parents of Eneta Newcomb were James W. Newcomb and Phoebe Maybee; her husband's parents were David and Eliza. This is clear in the marriage registration as well as census records. The final documentation will appear in the Death Registration when that becomes available on - a few years away yet.8,9
  • Burial*: 24 October 1935; Mount Olivet Cemetery, Codrington, Ontario; On Stone: Orser; Eneta Newcomb; 1857 - 1935; wife of; David Hulbert Orser; 1855 - 1941. Per Death. OCS: KW-N-096-1
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 13? at 1871 Census: see James W. Newcomb6
  • Married Name: 14 September 1875; Orser7
  • Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 23 at 1881 Census: see David H. Orser10
  • Census*: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 33 at 1891 Census: see Hulbert Orser11
  • Census: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 43 at 1901 Census: see Hulbert Orser12
  • Residence: 27 July 1910; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; A large group picture of the Women's Insititute was taken outside the home of "Mrs. Orser, Codrington" on July 27, 1910. This would be at the home of David "Hulbert" Orser and his wife Enetta Almira Newcomb. it would be on the north side of Goodfellow Road, between the current farms of James Woof and Mick Clitheroe. An original of this photograph was found in "The King Collection" which was loaned to me by Roger McMurray Janary 7, 2014. (Dan Buchanan, Jan 9 2014)
  • Census: 5 June 1911; Brighton Twp., Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 53 at 1911 Census: see Hulbert Orser2
  • Residence: 1921; Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, U.S.A.; "His obituary lists his survivors as "his widow and five children, Walter Newcomb of the Globe Elevator Co of Duluth, Lewis H. Newcomb of the First National Bank of Hibbing, Mrs. Orsor (who I now realize is Enetta, daughter of Phoebe), F.H. Newcomb and Mrs. E.T. Nelson of Amenia." The obituary says he was born 2/10/1836 and died in Amenia, ND in 1921 at age 85. A google map of Amenia shows a Newcomb St." per email from Catherine Newcombe, Dec 12, 2007.13
  • Residence*: circa 1932; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; " ... gave up farming and moved to Warkworth a few years ago. .. " from Death

Family: David "Hulbert" Orser b. 21 Nov 1854, d. 4 Jan 1941

  • Marriage*: 14 September 1875; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#006215: Groom: Hulbert D. Orser; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton Twp., Born: Prince Edward Co.; Occ.: farmer; Parents: David & Elizabeth Orser; Bride: Annetta Newcombe; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: J. W. & Phoebe Newcombe; Wit.: H. A. W. & Martha ?Hubbs?, of Cramahe Twp.; Date: Sept 14, 1875; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Epis. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. S. W. Simpson (Ontario Marriage Registration, #006215-1875); Principal=David "Hulbert" Orser7


  1. Spelling of first name per grave stone. Middle name per birth reg'n of Annetta.
  2. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  7. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 006215 - 1875.
  8. [S42] Brighton Ensign.
  9. [S52] Unknown location, Tweedsmuir Histories; unknown film.
  10. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 23.
  11. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 33.
  12. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 43.
  13. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.

Rev. James Williams Newcomb1,2,3

M, #5149, b. 10 February 1836, d. 16 June 1921

  • Birth*: 10 February 1836; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date Feb 10 1836 per Memorial. Date 1837 & location Cda. per 1920 Census. Date Feb 1836 & location Cda. per 1900 Census. Date 1838 & location Cda. per 1880 Census. Date 1835 & location Ontario per 1871 Census. Date 1836 & location Hamilton Twp. per marriage register - Mary Lydia Gillett.4,5,6,7
  • Marriage*: 12 April 1856; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Apr 12 1856 & location Brighton Twp. per Methodist Papers 1830-1857 by Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, pg. 122 - per family tree of mrmccluney_1 on, Jun 7 2009. Date c. 1866 per GEDCOM of John Maybe, Sept. 29, 2004.; Principal=Phoebe Anna Maybee2,3
  • Marriage*: 4 May 1867; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: James Newcombe; Age: 31; Res. Brighton Twp.; Born: Hamilton Twp.; Parents: Stephen & Lovina Newcombe; Bride: L. M. Gilbert; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: Obijah & Mary Gillett; Date: May 4 1867; Place: Percy Twp., Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Register,
    "I knew that James W. Newcomb was married twice. I didn't know the name of his first wife or which offspring match which marriage. I know his second wife to be known as Mary, either Mary Lydia or Lydia Mary, nee Gillett. This is not confirmed but the dates fit. She was born in 1844, and married to "James Newcom" on May 4, 1867 in Brighton, Northumberland, according to the Gillett family tree." per email from Catherine Newcomb, Dec 12, 2007. Date May 4 1867 & location Brighton per email from Catherine Newcombe, Dec 12, 2007. per 1871 Census.; Principal=Maria Lydia Gillett4,8,5
  • Death*: 16 June 1921; Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, U.S.A.; Date Jun 16 1921 per Memorial. "His obituary lists his survivors as "his widow and five children, Walter Newcomb of the Globe Elevator Co of Duluth, Lewis H. Newcomb of the First National Bank of Hibbing, Mrs. Orsor (who I now realize is Enetta, daughter of Phoebe), F.H. Newcomb and Mrs. E.T. Nelson of Amenia." The obituary says he was born 2/10/1836 and died in Amenia, ND in 1921 at age 85. A google map of Amenia shows a Newcomb St." per email from Catherine Newcombe, Dec 12, 2007.
    Date Jun 16 1921 & location Amenia, Cass Co., ND & "died of carncinoma of stomach" - per family tree of mrmccluney_1 on, Jun 7 2009.8,3,7
  • Burial*: 18 June 1921; Amenia Cemetery, Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, U.S.A.; Memorial: (See Exhibit) James W. Newcomb; Born Feb 10, 1836; Died June 16, 1921 (Cass County, North Dakota, image sent to me via email by Cheryl McCluney, Dec 1 2009.7,8
  • Census*: March 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 17 at 1851 Census: see Stephen Newcombe9
  • Census: April 1861; Ontario; NOT in Brighton Twp.10
  • Residence*: 2 December 1861; Conc 7 Lot 8, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S 290) show that Stephen B. Newcombe & wife sold 150 acres of the north 3/4 of Lot 8, Conc 7 to James W. Newcombe, ITS Date: Dec 2, 186111
  • Residence: 1869; Conc 7, Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Newcombs Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "The village of Orland was first known as Newcombs Mills. In 1869 there was a grist mill built on the site of the present mill by James and Joseph Newcomb, the former living where Hazelwoods and the latter where Raycrafts live now. " (first paragraph of story entitled "Log of S.S. No. 20, Brighton; Orland School - Tweedsmuir Histories, Reel 2)
    Note: This confirms what otherwise seems evident by the Land Registry Records (first transaction in 1871) that the mill at Orland was not built until 1869 (or so) - 16 years after the Breakaway. This puts in doubt the often-repeated story of the mill concession at Orland by the Newcomb's coming into play soon after the Breakaway in 1853. The question remains: When was the dam built at Newcombs Mills to carry the highway straight north to Codrington??? At the same time, likely, which means the Percy Road and the various side routes into the villages of Newcombs Mills and Codrington were in use well into the 1870's.12
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Newcombs Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 36 at 1871 Census: Newcomb, James W., 36, b. Ont., EM, Eng., Mill Owner, married; Mariah, 27, b. Ont., Ger.,, EM, married; Enneta, 13, b. Ont., Eng.; Willet? D., 11; Frederick, 2; Joseph B., 24, b. Ont., Eng., EM, Mill Owner, single; Lavina, 55, b. Ont., Ger., ME, widow; Maggie, 21, b. Ont., Eng., EM; Elizabeth, 17, Anna, 15; Charles H., 11 (1871 Census: Brighton Twp., div. 2, pg. 48, line 13 - Conc 7, Lot 2 & 3, 11 acres, owner)4
  • Residence: April 1871; Conc 7 Lot 2 & 3, Brighton Twp., Newcombs Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence at 1871 Census: Conc 7, Lots 2 & 3, Brighton Twp., 11 acres, owner.
    Note: This is the Mill at Orland. The two Newcomb brothers, James W. and Joseph Beltcher, purchased the property at Cole Creek and built a mill. It was there as early as 1869 and the 1871 Census shows the familys of the two brothers situated there.4
  • Residence: 28 June 1871; Conc 7 Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant E350) show that George McDonald & wife sold part of the SW 1/4 of Lot 4, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. to James W. Newcomb & Joseph B. Newcomb. ITS Date: Jun 28 1871.
    Note: This is south west of Newcomb Mills, on the north side of Goodrich Road, just west of the School - later the Plue's lived there.13
  • Residence: 21 August 1871; Conc 7 Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Newcomb Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant 1373) show that Lawrence Synon & wife sold pt. S 1/2 Lot 3, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. to James W. Newcomb & Joseph B. Newcomb. ITS Date Aug 21 1871.
    Note: Most of the Village of Newcomb Mills (Orland) is in Lot 3, since the lot line with Lot 2 and 3 is to the east of the highway by a few hundred yards.13
  • Residence: 4 January 1872; Conc 7 Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant E367) show that Edward Robinson & wife sold part of Lot 4, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. to James W. Newcomb & Joseph B. Newcomb. ITS Date Jan 4 1872.13
  • Residence: 8 January 1872; Conc 7 Lot 2, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant F885) show that Joseph Wright & wife sold part of the NW pt of the S 1/2 of Lot 2, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. to James W. Newcomb and Joseph B. Newcomb. ITS Date: Jan 8 1872.13
  • Note*: 2 August 1872; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; "At Newcomb’s Mills (now Orland) improvement has again shown itself. A few years ago it was only woods, but now through the energy of the Messrs. Newcomb in erecting their excellent grist mill, there is springing up a nice little village. Mr. C. T. Lane has also a first class carding, fulling and cloth dressing mill there, which has been doing good work." (taken from an article that originally appeared in The Brighton Ensign, August 2, 1872 and was included in an atricle in The Trentonian, July 29, 1983 regarding the 20th Reunion of the Peister-Van Sicklin families held at the Codrington Community Centre. I found this in The Tweedsmuir Histories of Codrington, Reel 2, Toronto Metro Reference Library, Nov. 2007)12
  • Residence: 28 January 1875; Conc 7 Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant H1454) show that James W. Newcomb & wife and Joseph B. Newcomb & wife sold part of the N pt. of the SE 1/4 of Lot 4, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. to Darius Crouter. ITS Date: Jan 28 1875.13
  • Residence: 27 May 1875; Conc 7 Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Newcomb Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant G1232) show that James W. Newcomb & wife and Joseph B. Newcomb & wife sold part of Lot 3 on the "East side of the Road" to The Trustees of Brighton Orange Lodge No. 507. ITS Date May 27 1875.13
  • Residence: 5 September 1877; Conc 7 Lot 2, 3 & 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant J1901) show that James W. Newcomb & wife and Jos. B. Newcomb sold part of Lot 2 & 3 & 4, Conc 7, Brighton Twp. for $10,000 to Chester & Crowell H. Loomis. ITS Date: Sep 5 1877.
    Note: A Plan item dated in 1876 shows the place as being called "The Village of Newcomb Mills". The brothers James W. and Joseph B. Newcomb left for the US after selling the Mill.13
  • Immigration*: October 1877; U.S.A.; Immigration 1877 per 1900 Census.6
  • Census: 23 June 1880; Dist. 3, Harrisville, Alcona Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 42 at 1880 Census: Newcomb, James W., 42, b. Cda., p.b. England & Cda., Miller, married; Maria, 34, b. Cda., p.b. Cda., married; Alfred C., 11, b. Cda., p.b. Cda., at school, son; Lewis, 3, b. Michigan, p.b. Cda., son (1880 Census: Dist. 3, Harrisville, Alcona Co., Michigan, pg. 28 of 29, line 5 -
  • Note: circa 1900; Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, U.S.A.; Picture of Rev. James William Newcomb sent to me by Cheryl McCluney, 2009.8
  • Census: 6 June 1900; Ward 7, Dist. 75, Superior City, Douglas Co., Wisconsin, U.S.A.; Age 64 at 1900 Census: Newcomb, James W., 64, b. Cda. Feb 1836, p.b. England & Cda., 34 yrs. married, immig. 1877, 23 yrs. in US, Grain Inspector, married; Maria L., 55, b. Cda. Oct 1844, p.b. Cda., 34 yrs. marr., immig. 1877, 23 yrs. in US, married; Elizabeth, 19, b. Michigan Sept. 1880, p.b. Cda., student, daughter, single (1900 Census: Ward 7, Dist. 75, Superior City, Douglas Co., Wisconsin, pg. 17 of 47, line 30 -
  • Census: 18 January 1920; Dist. 2, Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, U.S.A.; Age 83 at 1920 Census: Newcomb, James, 83, b. Cda., p.b. England & Cda., immig. 1877, NA 1884, Manager of Grain Dealer, married; Maria, 74, b. Cda., p.b. Cda., married (1920 Census: Dist. 2, Amenia, Cass Co., North Dakota, pg. 5 of 9, line 24 -

Family 1: Phoebe Anna Maybee b. 1838, d. 18 Mar 1866

  • Marriage*: 12 April 1856; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Apr 12 1856 & location Brighton Twp. per Methodist Papers 1830-1857 by Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, pg. 122 - per family tree of mrmccluney_1 on, Jun 7 2009. Date c. 1866 per GEDCOM of John Maybe, Sept. 29, 2004.; Principal=Phoebe Anna Maybee2,3

Family 2: Maria Lydia Gillett b. 12 Oct 1845, d. 22 Mar 1924

  • Marriage*: 4 May 1867; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: James Newcombe; Age: 31; Res. Brighton Twp.; Born: Hamilton Twp.; Parents: Stephen & Lovina Newcombe; Bride: L. M. Gilbert; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Parents: Obijah & Mary Gillett; Date: May 4 1867; Place: Percy Twp., Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Register,
    "I knew that James W. Newcomb was married twice. I didn't know the name of his first wife or which offspring match which marriage. I know his second wife to be known as Mary, either Mary Lydia or Lydia Mary, nee Gillett. This is not confirmed but the dates fit. She was born in 1844, and married to "James Newcom" on May 4, 1867 in Brighton, Northumberland, according to the Gillett family tree." per email from Catherine Newcomb, Dec 12, 2007. Date May 4 1867 & location Brighton per email from Catherine Newcombe, Dec 12, 2007. per 1871 Census.; Principal=Maria Lydia Gillett4,8,5


  1. Rev. James W. Newcomb per GEDCOM of John Maybee, Sept. 29, 2004. James Williams Newcomb per family tree of mrmccluney_1 on, Jun 7 2009.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  6. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
  7. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  8. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
  9. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  10. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  11. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
  12. [S52] Unknown location, Tweedsmuir Histories; unknown film.
  13. [S48] Unknown agency, 7th Town / Ameliasburgh Township.

Phoebe Anna Maybee1,2

F, #5150, b. 1838, d. 18 March 1866
  • Birth*: 1838; Upper Canada; Date 1838 & location Ontario per GEDCOM of John Maybee, Sept. 29, 2004.2
  • Marriage*: 12 April 1856; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Apr 12 1856 & location Brighton Twp. per Methodist Papers 1830-1857 by Rev. Donald A. McKenzie, pg. 122 - per family tree of mrmccluney_1 on, Jun 7 2009. Date c. 1866 per GEDCOM of John Maybe, Sept. 29, 2004.; Principal=Rev. James Williams Newcomb2,3
  • Death*: 18 March 1866; Brighton Twp., Newcomb's Mills, Northumberland Co., Canada West; "Newcomb, Mrs. Phebe Ann, daugher of Peter C. Maybee, sister of Rev. A.C. Maybee of the Ontario Conference, and wife of Rev. J.W. Newcomb, whom she married 10 years ago, died at Newcomb's Hill, March 18 1866" per GEDCOM of John Maybee, Sept. 29, 2004.
    Date Mar 18 1866 & location Newcomb's Mills per GEDCOM of John Maybee, Sept. 29, 2004.2
  • Census*: 1851; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 15 at 1851 Census: see Peter C. Maybee4
  • Married Name: 12 April 1856; Newcomb2

Family: Rev. James Williams Newcomb b. 10 Feb 1836, d. 16 Jun 1921


  1. Phebe Ann Maybee per GEDCOM of John Maybee, Sept. 29, 2004.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  4. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Abram Ruttan

M, #5151, b. 1831, d. 1897

  • Birth*: 1831; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date 1831 per Burial.1
  • Marriage*: 28 February 1861; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; County Marriage Register, Prince Edward Co.: Ruttan, Abram, 30, Hallowell, Hallowell, Abraham & Catherine, married 28 Feb 1861, Elvisa Gordon, 19, Hallowell, Napanee, Samuel & Celinda; Principal=Elvira Gordon2
  • Death*: 1897; Ontario; Date 1897 per Burial.1
  • Burial*: 1897; Glenwood Cemetery, Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhibit) Abram Ruttan; 1831 - 1897; Elvira Gordon, His Wife; 1841 - 1906; George M. Ruttan; 1867 - 1902; Clarinda Steele; 1810 - 1900; William A. Ruttan; 1861 - 1923 (Sec H, Glenwood Cemetery, Picton, Aug 24, 2003)1
  • Census*: April 1881; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 50 at 1881 Census: Ruttan, Abraham, 50, b. Ont., Ger., P.E.M., Trader, married; Elvira, 40, b. Ont., PEM, married; William, 19, b. Ont., clerk, single; George M., 14; Margaret E., 5; Steel, Clarinda, 69, b. Ont., widow (

Family: Elvira Gordon b. 1841, d. 1906


  1. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  2. [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  3. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Elvira Gordon1,2

F, #5152, b. 1841, d. 1906

  • Birth*: 1841; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date 1841 per Burial.2
  • Marriage*: 28 February 1861; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; County Marriage Register, Prince Edward Co.: Ruttan, Abram, 30, Hallowell, Hallowell, Abraham & Catherine, married 28 Feb 1861, Elvisa Gordon, 19, Hallowell, Napanee, Samuel & Celinda; Principal=Abram Ruttan3
  • Death*: 1906; Ontario; Date 1906 per Burial.2
  • Married Name: 28 February 1861; Ruttan
  • Census*: April 1881; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 40 at 1881 Census: see Abram Ruttan4

Family: Abram Ruttan b. 1831, d. 1897


  1. Elvira Gordon per Burial.
  2. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  3. [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

James Hulbert Orser

M, #5153, b. 30 January 1893, d. 7 May 1896
  • Birth*: 30 January 1893; Brighotn Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n: James Hulbert Orser; Born: Jan 30, 1894, Brighton Twp.; Parents: D. H. Orser, farmer & Annetta Newcombe; Inf: D. H. Orser, Brighton Twp.; Reg'd: Mar 29, 1894; Dr. Cleminson; Reg'r: A. A. Becker1
  • Death*: 7 May 1896; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Registration: James Hulbert Orser; Age: 2y 7m 7d; farmer's son; Died: May 7, 1896, Brighton Twp.; Born: Brighton Twp.; Cause: teething & kidney disease, 2 weeks; Doctor: P. J. Clune, M. D. & J. M. Cleminson, M. D.; Informant: David Hulbert Orser, father, Brighton Twp.; Reg'd: May 14, 1896; Methodist; Reg'r: Darius Crouter2


  1. [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), 021667 - 1894.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 014050 - 1896.

Enetta Alberta Orser

F, #5154, b. 28 August 1897, d. 9 September 1897
  • Birth*: 28 August 1897; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n: Enneta Alberta orser; Born: 28 aug 1897, Brighton Twp.; Parents: David Hulbert Orser, farmer & Ennetta Almira Newcombe; Dr. Cleminson; Inf: David Hulbert Orser; Reg'd: Oct 6, 1897, Brighton Twp.1
  • Death*: 9 September 1897; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n: Ennetta Alberta Orser; Died: Sep 9, 1897; Age: 12 days; Location: Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp.; farmer's son; Born: Brighton Twp.; Cause: jaundice; Doctor: C. M. Cleminson; Methodist; Informant: D. H. Orser; Reg'd: Oct 6, 18972


  1. [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), 027655 - 1897.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 017525 - 1897.

Phoebe Worden1

F, #5155, b. 13 May 1793
  • Birth*: 13 May 1793; U.S.A.; Debbie Worden 9/13/99
  • Marriage*: 16 March 1820; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; "David Orser born Sept. 24,1797 in Kingston, Ont. died July 6,1891 Married March 16,1820 to Pheobe Werden,born May 13,1794 died Feb.27,1846" from Orser Forum on
    Philander Smith Orser Death Registration shows David Orser and Phoebe Worden as his parents. Assuming this is the David with two wives.; Principal=David Orser
  • Death: 27 February 1846; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Debby Werden
  • Married Name: 16 March 1820; Orser

Family: David Orser b. 24 Sep 1797, d. 6 Jul 1891


  1. Is it Werden or Worden? Seen both. Vital Stats docs say Worden. Orser Forum says Werden (other errors here).

Philander Smith Orser

M, #5156, b. 1 May 1824, d. 16 August 1915

  • Birth*: 1 May 1824; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date May 1 1824 per Memorial. Date May 1824 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date May 1 1825 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date May 1 1824 and location per Death Registration1,2,3,4
  • Baptism: 1 May 1824; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Methodist Baptisms in Picton: Phylander Smith, Hallowell, 1 May 1824, by Phylander Smith, 11 Nov '30
  • Marriage*: after 1854; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Principal=Lucy Jane Minaker
  • Death*: 16 August 1915; Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Philander Smith Orser; Age: 91y 3m 15d; Died: Aug 16, 1915 at Cobourg, Ontario; Burial: Brighton; retired farmer, widowed; Father: David Orser; Mother: Phoebe Worden; Cause: old age; Doctor: Dr. W. A. Stinson; Informant: Minnie Maud Stinson, Cobourg; Reg'd: Aug 17, 1915
    "At Cobourg, on Monday, August 16, 1915, at the residence of Dr. Stinson, George St., Philander Smith Orser, father of Mrs. (Dr.) Stinson, aged 91 years. .... to Brighton for interment. Deceased was a resident of the Orser Settlement for many years, and was well known and highly repected inthis section." Brighton Ensign, August 20, 19155
  • Burial*: 19 August 1915; Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontairo; Memorial: (See Exhibit) ORSER; Philander S. Orser; Born; May 1, 1824; Died Aug. 16, 1915; His Wife; Lucy J. Minaker; Born July 15, 1834; Died Oct. 26, 1909 (Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton - image sent to me by Jim Belford, Sep 24 2008) Date Aug 16 1915 per Death Reg'n.3,2
  • Census: 1842; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; 1842 Murray Twp. Census shows David Orser with 9 people -
  • Census: March 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 28 at 1851 Census: Orser, James, 32; Philander, 28; Elizabeth, 25; Maria, 22; Allan, 20; Rhoda, 18; Edward, 136
  • Residence: April 1861; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Residence per 1861 Census: Conc 8, Lot 32, Brighton Twp., East Half, 100 acres.7
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 37 at 1861 Census: Orser, Philander, 37 b. Ontario, Methodist, farmer, married; Lucy J., 25, b. Ontario, married; Allen, b. Ontario; Maria, 30, b. Ontario8
  • Residence: 25 January 1864; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (C36) show that Philander Orser purchased 50 acres of the west half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. from Benjamin F. Austin & wife.9
  • Residence: 10 July 1867; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (D?41)show that Philander Orser purchased 51 acres of the west half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. from Gilbert Bettes & wife.9
  • Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 47 at 1871 Census: b. Ontario, Methodist, German, farmer, married; Lucy Jane, 37, b. Ontario, married; Minnie, 410
  • Residence*: 1880; Lot 32 Conc 8, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; County Atlas shows P.S. Orser on lot 32 Conc 8, 93 acres
  • Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1881 Census: Orser, Philander, 57, b. Ontario, German, farmer, Methodist, married; Lucy J., 45, b. Ontario, married; Minnie, 1311
  • Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 66 at 1891 Census: Orser, Philander, 66, b. Ontario, Parents: Ontario, Methodist, farmer, married; Lucy, 56, b. Ontario, Parents: Ontario & U.S., married12
  • Census: April 1901; 12 Prince Edward St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 65 at 1901 Census: see Dr. Albert W. Stinson (son-in-law)1
  • Residence: 1 March 1905; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (7550) show that Philander Orser & wife agreed to lease the west half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. to Albert W. Stinson fro $250 per year. Philander's daughter Minnie had married Dr. Stinson.9
  • Residence: 2 October 1905; Conc 8 Lot 32, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (7672) show that Philander Orser & wife & Minnie M. Stinson & Albert W. Stinson sold about 50 acres of the west half of Lot 32, Conc 8, Brighton Twp. to Maurice Ames.9
  • Census: 1911; Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 87 at 1911 Census: see Albert W. Stinson (son-in-law)4

Family: Lucy Jane Minaker b. 15 Jul 1834, d. 26 Oct 1909

  • Marriage*: after 1854; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Principal=Lucy Jane Minaker


  1. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 023109 - 1915.
  6. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 28.
  7. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  8. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 37.
  9. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
  10. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 47.
  11. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 57.
  12. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 66.