Sir Parker Morris1

M, #37356, b. circa 1880
  • Birth*: circa 1880; England; from page 153 of "Ours To Remember" by Mary Ann Down, given to me by Shirley (Goodfellow) Bird, Sep. 3, 2004.1


  1. [S56] Mary Ann Down, Ours To Remember.

Sidney Morris1

M, #37357, b. circa 1880
  • Birth*: circa 1880; England; "South Africa" from page 153 of "Ours To Remember" by Mary Ann Down, given to me by Shirley (Goodfellow) Bird, Sep. 3, 2004.1


  1. [S56] Mary Ann Down, Ours To Remember.

John Hubbs1

M, #37358, b. 7 April 1820, d. 22 April 1902
  • Birth*: 7 April 1820; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 30 April 1842; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Matilda Haylett McDonnell1
  • Death*: 22 April 1902; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1

Family: Matilda Haylett McDonnell b. 7 Jul 1819, d. 2 Jul 1899


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Matilda Haylett McDonnell1

F, #37359, b. 7 July 1819, d. 2 July 1899
  • Birth*: 7 July 1819; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 30 April 1842; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=John Hubbs1
  • Death*: 2 July 1899; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Married Name: 30 April 1842; Hubbs1

Family: John Hubbs b. 7 Apr 1820, d. 22 Apr 1902


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

William Emery Hubbs1

M, #37360, b. 7 February 1843, d. 9 November 1909
  • Birth*: 7 February 1843; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 1 October 1873; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Matilda Ann Babcock1
  • Death*: 9 November 1909; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Burial*: 11 November 1909; Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1

Family: Matilda Ann Babcock b. 8 Dec 1847, d. 1 Oct 1928


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Matilda Ann Babcock1

F, #37361, b. 8 December 1847, d. 1 October 1928
  • Birth*: 8 December 1847; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 1 October 1873; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=William Emery Hubbs1
  • Death*: 1 October 1928; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontraio; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Married Name: 1 October 1873; Hubbs1

Family: William Emery Hubbs b. 7 Feb 1843, d. 9 Nov 1909


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

William John Hubbs1

M, #37362, b. 16 January 1884, d. 18 October 1943
  • Birth*: 16 January 1884; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 1908; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Ida Sager1
  • Death*: 18 October 1943; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Burial*: 20 October 1943; Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1

Family: Ida Sager b. 25 Dec 1883, d. 2 Dec 1974


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Ida Sager1

F, #37363, b. 25 December 1883, d. 2 December 1974
  • Birth*: 25 December 1883; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 1908; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=William John Hubbs1
  • Death*: 2 December 1974; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Married Name: 1908; Hubbs1

Family: William John Hubbs b. 16 Jan 1884, d. 18 Oct 1943


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Benjamin Hubbs1

M, #37364, b. 25 October 1783, d. 20 August 1861
  • Birth*: 25 October 1783; Hempstead, Long Island, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 11 March 1805; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Sarah Way1
  • Marriage*: after 1841; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Donna Barraclough-Little, June 16, 2005.; Principal=Nancy Stinson1
  • Death*: 20 August 1861; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1

Family 1: Sarah Way b. 30 Jun 1784, d. 2 Feb 1841

Family 2: Nancy Stinson b. 8 Jan 1794, d. 15 Apr 1868


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Sarah Way1

F, #37365, b. 30 June 1784, d. 2 February 1841
  • Birth*: 30 June 1784; Albany Co., New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 11 March 1805; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Benjamin Hubbs1
  • Death*: 2 February 1841; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Married Name: 11 March 1805; Hubbs1

Family: Benjamin Hubbs b. 25 Oct 1783, d. 20 Aug 1861


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Daniel Benjamin Way1,2,3

M, #37366, b. 2 December 1762, d. 13 August 1840
  • Birth*: 2 December 1762; Fishkill, Dutchess Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Dec 2 1762 & location Fishkill, NY per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.2,3
  • Marriage*: 8 October 1782; New York, U.S.A.; Date c. 1782 & location NY per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004. Dat eOct 8 1782 & location Sophiasburgh Twp. per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019.; Principal=Jemima Mosher2,3
  • Marriage*: circa 1806; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of c_herdman on, March 23 2002.; Principal=Abigail Reed Spencer3
  • Death*: 13 August 1840; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date Aug 13 1840 & location Sophiasburgh per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.2,3

Family 1: Jemima Mosher b. 13 Feb 1761, d. 10 Nov 1805

Family 2: Abigail Reed Spencer b. 1780, d. 1808


  1. Daniel Benjamin Way per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Jemima Mosher1

F, #37367, b. 13 February 1761, d. 10 November 1805
  • Birth*: 13 February 1761; Dutches Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Feb 13 1761 & location Dutchess Co. NY per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1,2
  • Marriage*: 8 October 1782; New York, U.S.A.; Date c. 1782 & location NY per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004. Dat eOct 8 1782 & location Sophiasburgh Twp. per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019.; Principal=Daniel Benjamin Way1,2
  • Death*: 10 November 1805; Northport, Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date Nov 10 1805 & location Northport per family tree of Steven Sharpe on, March 31 2019. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1,2
  • Married Name: 8 October 1782; Way1

Family: Daniel Benjamin Way b. 2 Dec 1762, d. 13 Aug 1840


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Robert Hubbs1

M, #37368, b. 10 May 1753, d. 15 March 1827
  • Birth*: 10 May 1753; Hempstead, Long Island, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 25 November 1782; Long Island, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Jane Haviland1
  • Death*: 15 March 1827; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Residence*: 27 December 1797; Ontario; "United Empire Loyalist Connection with the Mutton Family - Robert Hubbs, U.E.L.: a Friend (Quaker) from Long Island - came to Canada, Dec. 27, 1797. His grandson, John Hubbs married Martha Macdonald, whose daughter, Martha Elizabeth Hubbs married William Mutton." from page 156 of "Ours To Remember" by Mary Ann Down, given to me by Shirley (Goodfellow) Bird, Sep. 3, 2004.2

Family: Jane Haviland b. 7 Nov 1766, d. 24 Dec 1851


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S56] Mary Ann Down, Ours To Remember.

Jane Haviland1

F, #37369, b. 7 November 1766, d. 24 December 1851
  • Birth*: 7 November 1766; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Marriage*: 25 November 1782; Long Island, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.; Principal=Robert Hubbs1
  • Death*: 24 December 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 18, 2004.1
  • Married Name: 25 November 1782; Hubbs1

Family: Robert Hubbs b. 10 May 1753, d. 15 Mar 1827


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Mary Ada McLaughlin1,2,3

F, #37370, b. 13 September 1860, d. 1941

  • Birth*: 13 September 1860; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Sep 13 1860 & location Ontario per 1901 Census. Date 1861 per 1881 Census. Date 1860 per Burial.2,4,5,6
  • Marriage*: 8 March 1882; Brighton Twp., Smithfield, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008338: Groom: Edward Webster Hodges; Age: 25?; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Lyman Henry & Margaret Hodges; Bride: Mary Ada McLaughlin; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents; James & Pheobe Ann McLaughlin; Wit.: Allen Darling & Fanora McLaughlin, Brighton; Date: Mar 8 1882; Place: Brighton; Rel.; E.M. & C.M.; Performed by: Rev. J. C. Ask? (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008338-1882,
    per 1901 Census.; Principal=Edward Webster Hodges3,4,7
  • Death*: 1941; Ontario; Date 1941 per Burial.5
  • Burial*: 1941; Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Mmeorial: (See Exhibit) HODGES; Edward W. Hodges; 1858 - 1929; His Wife; Ada McLaughlin; 1860 - 1941; Their Son; Harry R. Hodges 1897 - 1970; His Wife; Minnie C Stetler 1897 - 1997? (Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Sep 26 2004)5
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1861 Census: see James McLaughlin6
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 11 at 1871 Census: see James McLaughlin8
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 20 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin2
  • Married Name: 8 March 1882; Hodges3
  • Census: April 1901; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 40 at 1901 Census: see Edward W. Hodges4

Family: Edward Webster Hodges b. 10 Oct 1858, d. 29 Sep 1929

  • Marriage*: 8 March 1882; Brighton Twp., Smithfield, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008338: Groom: Edward Webster Hodges; Age: 25?; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Lyman Henry & Margaret Hodges; Bride: Mary Ada McLaughlin; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents; James & Pheobe Ann McLaughlin; Wit.: Allen Darling & Fanora McLaughlin, Brighton; Date: Mar 8 1882; Place: Brighton; Rel.; E.M. & C.M.; Performed by: Rev. J. C. Ask? (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008338-1882,
    per 1901 Census.; Principal=Edward Webster Hodges3,4,7


  1. Mary Ada per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Aug 22, 2006.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  4. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  6. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  7. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #008338-1882.
  8. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Lenora J. McLaughlin1,2,3

F, #37371, b. 1862
  • Birth*: 1862; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1862 per 1881 Census.2
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1871 Census: see James McLaughlin3
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin2


  1. Lenora J. per 1871 Census.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

John R. McLaughlin1,2,3

M, #37372, b. 1863
  • Birth*: 1863; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1863 per 1881 Census.2
  • Marriage*: circa 1884; Ontario; per Burial of wife Jennie.; Principal=Jennie ?3
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 7 at 1871 Census: see James McLaughlin4
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin2

Family: Jennie ? b. 1862, d. 17 Jan 1907


  1. John R. per Burial of wife Jennie.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Peter C. McLaughlin1,2,3

M, #37373, b. 1866
  • Birth*: 1866; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1866 per 1881 Census.2
  • Marriage*: 3 March 1897; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#048845: Groom: Peter C. McLaughlin; .... Bride: Alice Herrington; ... Date: mar 3 1897; Place: Brighton Twp.; .... (Ontario Marriage Registration, #048845-1897,
    Note: Full image of marr. reg'n. is not available.; Principal=Alice S. Herrington4
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 4 at 1871 Census: see James McLaughlin3
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 15 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin2

Family: Alice S. Herrington b. 1877


  1. Peter C. per 1871 Census.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #048845-1897.

George McLaughlin1

M, #37374, b. 1869
  • Birth*: 1869; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1869 per 1881 Census.1
  • Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1871 Census: see James McLaughlin2
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin1
  • Residence*: 15 August 1925; Conc 7 Lot 31, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant 11278) show that George R. McLaughlin sold the east half 100 acres of Lot 31, Conc 7 to Lewis G. Goodfellow for 1,800. ITS Date: Aug 15 1925. Reg'n. Date: Jan 4 1926. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Twp., Conc 7, pg. 196 of 239, Lot 31, pg. 2, page copied from, Feb 22 2021.)3


  1. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.

Nina McLaughlin1

F, #37375, b. 1874
  • Birth*: 1874; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1874 per 1881 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 7 at 1881 Census: see James McLaughlin1


  1. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.